Left Field Beer
Country Estonia Brewery Pohjala Style Fruited Gose ABV 8% Vessel Can Volume 330ml Untapp ...d Rating 3.29 Dietary Information N/A
Produttore: Pohjala Stile: Gose/Grodziskie Colore: Rossa Grado Alcolico: 8,00%
6,00 €
Imperial gose bryggd med slånbär, citrontimjan, rosa Himalaya-stensalt, nymalda korianderfrön och fr ...uktig tysk humle.
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Mister Hop
Must Kuld ofwel Zwart Goud. Een mooie volle super zachte ronde porter met tonen van honing, chocola, ... koffie en zwarte bessen in de neus. In de smaak komt chocola het eerste naar voren met een delicate koffie toon en een decadente vleug van frambozen en zwarte bessen. Hmmm is de vijf al in de klok?
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Acquista online Birra Pohjala Heli Lattina 33cl al prezzo di euro. <p>Blend di vari Imperial ...a macinati e luppolo fruttato tedesco. Al naso emergono sentori di bacche rosse estive, scorza di limone e di erbe aromatiche. L'ingresso in bocca è morbido, prima di lasciare il posto ...
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Little Beershop
Imperial gose gebrouwen met sleedoornbessen, citroentijm, roze Himalaya steenzout, versgemalen koria ...nderzaad en fruitige Duitse hop. Wat deze release speciaal m
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Indulge in the uniqueness of Põhjala's "Heli," an Imperial Gose like no other. This 8% ...ds, and German hops for a flavorful adventure. What sets "Heli" apart is its remarkable 50/50 fusion of a fresh, lively imperial gose ...
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Drankenhandel Leiden / Speciaalbierpakket.nl
Põhjala Heli in blik is een Imperial Gose van 8%. Gratis thuis vanaf €60!
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Bereta Brewing Co.
Bere - Imperial gose brewed with sloe berries, lemon thyme, pink Himalayan rock salt, freshly ground ... coriander seeds and fruity German hops. https://untappd.com/b/pohjala-heli/5441271
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PÕHJALA Heli nisuõlu alk.8.0% vol 330ml Eesti
Osaliselt tammevaatides laagerdunud hapu ja kergelt soolane nisuõlu, mis on pruulitud laukapuu marja ...de ja sidruntüümianiga.
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Gedeelde Vreugde
Beschrijving Imperial gose brewed with sloe berries, lemon thyme, pink Himalayan rock salt, freshly ... ground coriander seeds and fruity German hops. BLIK 330ml 8,0%
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Pivní lednice
A new variant of our best-selling series of sweet and sour beers - Gelato. This time - in an intense ......
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Fuggles Bottle Shop
A 50/50 blend of barrel aged and fresh imperial goses, brewed with sloe berries and lemon thyme! Siz ...e 330ml
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