De Biersalon
Oriel Beer Oriel Saison Blood Orange
Take a sip and quench your thirst. The sunny beer with a balmy aroma has the perfect amount of blood ...hy hops and easy tartness contour this Belgian style saison. Alluring dryness comes in the aftertaste and makes you want more, no matter the season. Pair it with maturated cheese, fries and fish ...
5,99 €
Berero Store
Oriel Saison Blood Orange este interpretarea unei beri belgiene de tip Saison, o bere istorica, de f ...i adaugat la finalul maturarii.Produsa din ingrediente de calitate superioara, malturi de orz, secara si alac, fulgi de orz si ovaz, hamei, si fermentata cu o tulpina de droijdie lichida belgiana ...
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Little Beershop
In Roemenië brouwen ze niet alleen dikke hopkletsers en zware stouts, ook klassiek bier weten ze daa ...r te waarderen. Les je dorst met deze saison, die niet alle
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Oriel Beer
Oriel Saison Blood Orange (New batch)
Farmhouse Ale – Saison 330 ML ABV: 6.2% IBU: 31 SRM: 4.5
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