Berero Store
Oriel Blond Grapefruit este interpretarea unei blonde belgiene clasice, de data aceasta aromatizata ...ulgi de orz si ovaz, hamei, coaja de portocala, seminte de coriandru, grapefruit si fermentata cu o tulpina de drojdie belgiana. O culoare placuta, aurie, insoteste un parfum complex de flori si ...
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De Biersalon
Oriel Beer Oriel Blond Grapefruit
Take a sip and quench your thirst. Citrus paradisi & a refreshing Belgian blonde can make your d ...fragrance with an incessant citrus notes, gentle hops and a soft, toast maltiness, come together with an alluring balance, with a slightly bitter aftertaste, that makes you dream of the sultry da ...
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