Omnipollo Tefnut Blueberry Maple Pancake
Together with our friends at The Veil in Virginia we have worked on a new Tefnut Triple Fruited Gose ...pancake treatment, finely ground vanilla and milk sugar to balance the woody deep berry flavors with the decadent notes of pancakes and maple syrup. Comes in a 33 cl can. Contains milk sugar. H ...
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Omnipollo Tefnut Blueberry Maple Pancake
Tefnut är en utav Omnipollos mest populära suröls-serie! Det här är en rejält smastinn och krallig G ...ose som klockar in på 10% Massor av blåbär får utså Omnipollos “Maple Pancake” behandling, vanilj, laktos och lönnsirap!
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