Micro Beers
Bringing the flavours of our beloved Faith but without the alcohol, we’ve worked hard behind the sce ...echniques we’ve learnt, and with a grist packed with oats, protein-rich chit malt and additions of maltodextrin, this lo ...
Little Beershop
Als resultaat van een jaar onderzoek en ontwikkeling Faith, zonder alcohol. Door traditionele brouwt ...echnieken tot het uiterste te drijven, is een verrassend rob
3,25 €
NORTHERN MONK Holy Faith 0.5% AF pale ale
Alcohol-Free Hazy Pale Ale hopped with Citra, El Dorado, and Simcoe. 0.5%330ml can
Beer Force
Alcohol-Free Hazy Pale Ale | 330ml Alcohol-Free Hazy Pale Ale hopped with Citra, El Dorado, and Simc ...oe. Holier Than Thou.
Wise Bartender
Northern Monk Holy Faith Alcohol Free Hazy Pale Ale 05 ABV
P ushing traditional brewing techniques to extremes allowed Northern Monk to build up a surprisingl ...her bulk out the body, while a touch of caramel malt brings some colour and sweetness. Northern Monk then hopped with Citra Cryo and El Dorado, which bring notes of lemongrass, citrus zest and a ...
Hops ’N More
Northern Monk - Holy Faith - 33cl
Craft Beer Bottle Shop with a unique selection from Belgium, Europe and the rest of the world.
4,30 €
Holy Faith 0.5% Northern Monk 330ml
Alcohol-Free Hazy Pale Ale hopped with Citra, El Dorado, and Simcoe.
The Alcohol Free Drinks Company
Northern Monk Hazy Pale Ale: Holy Faith
An absolute classic from Northern Monk, Pushing traditional brewing techniques to extremes allowed ...les and maltodextrin to further bulk out the body, while a touch of caramel malt brings some colour and sweetness. We hopped with Citra Cryo and El Dorado, which bring notes of lemongrass, citru ...
Beer Merchants
The culmination of a year’s R&D, we can finally bring you Faith, free of alcohol. Pushing tradit ...r that silky mouthfeel associated with NE styles and maltodextrin to further bulk out the body, while a touch of caramel malt brings some colour and sweetness. We hopped with Citra Cryo and El Do ...
Beer Ritz
Buy Northern Monk Holy Faith - the alcohol-free version of Northern Monk's classic pale ale Faith
Dry Drinker
Northern Monk Holy Faith - Non Alcoholic Pale Ale
A juicy, hazy low-alcohol pale ale with tropical fruit and citrus hop notes.
Beyond Beer
Die alkoholfreie Version des Northern Monk Core Range New England Pale Ales Faith! Northern Monk ha ... Hopfennoten von Zitronengras, Grapefruit und Pinie sorgen dafür die entsprechende Power im Geschmack. Nährwerte pro 100 ml Brennwert (kj/kcal) 34/8 Kohlenhydrate (g) 1,47   ...
3,49 €