Craft Central
Brasserie d'Achouffe Nice Chouffe
N'ice CHOUFFE is the winter beer from the Achouffe Brewery. We recommend that you enjoy it from ...with thyme and curaçao, and made using orange peel. It has an alcohol content of 10%. N’ice CHOUFFE goes well with any winte ...
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Drink Store
ABV 10% The N’ICE CHOUFFE is a strong dark beer that will warm you up during the winter months. It i ...s spiced (with thyme and curaçao) and a light hop taste, a well-balanced beer.
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The Epicurean
La Chouffe, Nice Chouffe, Winter Beer, Belgian Dark Ale, 10%
The N'ice Chouffe is a dark beer; which is slightly hoppy, spiced with thyme and curaçao, and ma using orange peel. A delicious and unique beverage to add to your collection.
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Top Of The Hops
When the little animals in Fairyland hibernate, the Achouffe gnomes love to gather in their cottage. ...a delicious N’Ice CHOUFFE. Smooth and strong, with spicy notes of thyme and Curacao, this dark beer warms both hearts and atmospheres, making even the coldest winters joyful. 10%ABV 330ml. ...
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Left Field Beer
Brasserie D'Achouffe - N'Ice Chouffe
Pre-Order: Shipping From 15.11.24 When the little animals in Fairyland hibernate, the Achouffe gnome ...t Ardennes stories while enjoying a delicious N’Ice CHOUFFE. Smooth and strong, with spicy notes of thyme and Curacao, this dark beer warms both hearts and atmospheres, making even the coldest wi ...
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Beers of Europe
A strong, dark brown sparkling beer. Fruity and lightly hoppy. Unpasteurised. EAN Code 541076910143 ...9
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Alc.Vol.: 10% Mililitros: 330ml Estilo: Winter Ale ... Pais: Belgica Cerveceria: D'Achouffe
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Fish & Beer
N'Ice Chouffe Belgian Strong Ale
Så har julemanden været med en rigtig god juleøl fra Belgien Na & Aksel
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Brasserie d’Achouffe N’Ice Chouffe 33cl
Brasserie d’Achouffe – N’Ice Chouffe 33cl Cuando los animalitos del País de las H ... pasan largas veladas contando las mejores historias de las Ardenas mientras disfrutan de una deliciosa N’Ice CHOUFFE. Suave y fuerte, con notas especiadas de tomillo y Curaçao, esta cervez ...
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La Abadía Alcorcón - La Despensa Del Abad
N’ice Chouffe Winter Specialty Spiced Brasserie D’Achouffe
La cerveza de invierno, también llamada cerveza de Navidad de la Brasserie D’Achouffe, se pres ...o nombre indica estamos ante una cerveza “especialmente especiada”, sin pasteurizar y sin filtrar. En su elaboración se emplean especias y es una cerveza oscura, ligeramente lupulada, ...
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Beer XL
Nice Chouffe Kerstbier (33cl) - Bierwebshop met meer dan 1000 bieren aan zeer voordelige prijzen. Kr ...ijg uw bier netjes en snel thuisgeleverd
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N'Ice Chouffe, een stevig winterbier bepaald door de kleur en aroma's.
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Cervecería La Abadía
Es una cerveza oscura, ligeramente lupulada, condimentada con tomillo, curaçao y elaborada con piel naranja. Productor: Brasserie d’Achouffe y Etiqueta N’Ice Chouffe Brasserie D’Achouffe N’Ice Chouffe Etiqueta
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Brasserie d'Achouffe Brasserie d'Achouffe - N'Ice Chouffe (2021)
Winter Ale | Untappd: 3.86
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Kay Gee’s Off Licence
N’ice CHOUFFE 33cl RB Best Before End 08.2023
Brasserie D’ACHOUFFE say: N’ice CHOUFFE is the winter beer from the Brasserie D’ ...ce. It is a dark beer, slightly hoppy, spiced with thyme and curaçao, and made using orange peel. It has an alcohol content of 10%. N’ice CHOUFFE goes well with any winter dishes. ...
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Craft Beers Delivered
A tasty sipping Winter beer from the Chouffe Brewery which we recommend drinking by the fire. Quite ...hoppy with gentle spiced notes of cinnamon and clove, along with a little orange peel. At 10% ABV pair this up with warming stews and pies. ..
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De Biertonne
Nice Chouffe van Brasserie d'Achouffe is een Winter Ale met een alcoholpercentage van 10%.
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Acquista online Birra N'Ice Chouffe 33cl al prezzo di 3,12 € euro. Si presenta con un bel color moga ...e dalle note di caramello, zucchero candito, frutta secca, liquirizia, miele, spezie (coriandolo, noce moscata, cannella) ed erbacee (timo). Il palato segue il naso, regalando a questa bevuta un ...
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Cambridge Wine Merchants
Achouffe N'Ice Chouffe 10.0% 33cl Bottle
N'ice CHOUFFE is the winter beer from the Achouffe Brewery. We recommend that you enjoy it from mid- ... thyme and curaçao, and made using orange peel. It has an alcohol content of 10%. Nice CHOUFFE goes well with any winter dishes. ...
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The Head of Steam
N’ice CHOUFFE is the winter beer from the Achouffe Brewery. It is a dark beer, slightly hoppy, ... spiced with thyme and curaçao, and made using orange peel. It has an alcohol content of 10%.
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Brasserie D'Achouffe Chouffe N'Ice
''Wanneer de kleine dieren in Sprookjesland een winterslaap houden, verzamelen de Achouffe-kabouters ...rhalen onder het genot van een heerlijke N'Ice CHOUFFE. Zacht en krachtig, met kruidige tonen van tijm en Curaçao, verwarmt dit donkere bier zowel harten als sferen, waardoor zelfs de koudste win ...
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Chouffe N Ice gebrouwen door de brouwers van Achouffe is een sterk bruin bier speciaal gemaakt voor ...d en hergist dus op de fles. Dit bier is uitermaten geschikt bij gerechten met wild, lam, zalm, oesters en mosselen maar ook voor een bijgerecht als Roquefort kazen. ...
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Beer Zoo
La Chouffe - N'Ice Chouffe 10% (330ml)
Strong brown ale with thmye and curacao orange
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Brasserie d'Achouffe N’Ice Chouffe Brasserie d’Achouffe
Beskrivelse Type: Winter Ale Alcohol: 10% Size: 330ml Brewery: Brasserie d’Achouffe Coun ... Achouffe gnomes love to gather in their cottage. By the gentle firelight, they spend long evenings telling the best Ardennes stories while enjoying a delicious N’Ice CHOUFFE. Smooth and strong, ...
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Brasserie D'Achouffe N’ice Chouffe Winterbier
Brasserie D'Achouffe N'ice Chouffe - Winterbier online kaufen ... Zutaten Wasser , Gerstenmalz , Hopfen , Hefe Bierstil Ale ...
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1001 Bières
La N'ice Chouffe est la bière brune d'hiver de la brasserie d'Achouffe. Elle présente une robe brune ... et foncé. En bouche se distinguent des arômes légèrement houblonnés avec des notes épicés de thym et de curaçao.
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Brasserie d'Achouffe. N'Ice Chouffe Winter Ale
N'Ice Chouffe has a pale gold color and is brewed with natural ingredients such as water, malt, ...hops, yeast, invert sugar syrup, and coriander. Re-fermenting in both the bottle and keg preserves its unique fruity flavor complemented by a subtle hint of hops.
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La Compagnie des Bonnes Bouteilles
Une bière de Noel légèrement houblonnée et bien équilibrée !Arômes de fruits sec et d'épices . Bouch ...e généreuse, saveurs torréfiées
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Bath Road Beers
Brasserie D’Achouffe N’ice Chouffe
Description 10% abv 330ml Belgian Winter Beer
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Drankenhandel Leiden /
Chouffe N'ice in kleine fles is een donker Winterbier van 10%. Gratis thuis vanaf €60!
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De Biersalon
When the little animals in Fairyland hibernate, the Achouffe gnomes love to gather in their cottage. ...a delicious N’Ice CHOUFFE. Smooth and strong, with spicy notes of thyme and Curacao, this dark beer warms both hearts and atmospheres, making even the coldest winters joyful. ...
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Craft Beer Dealer
When the little animals in Fairyland hibernate, the Achouffe gnomes love to gather in their cottage. ... By the gentle firelight, they spend long evenings telling the best Ardennes stories while enjoying a delicious N’Ice CHOUFFE.
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Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
Brasserie D'achouffe Chouffe N'ice
Land: Belgisch bier Type: Winterbok / Kerstbier Alcohol: 10,0% Inhoud: 33cl
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Brasserie D’Achouffe N’ice Chouffe 4 pack11 oz bottles
It is a dark beer, slightly hoppy, spiced with thyme and curaçao, and made using orange peel. It has ... an alcohol content of 10%. N’ice CHOUFFE goes well with any winter dishes.
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Craft Bier Center
Bierstil: Saison, Winterbier Alkohol: 10% vol. Inhalt: 3 dl Depot: CHF 0.30
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N’Ice Chouffe fra Brasserie d’Achouffe er af typen Winter Ale og er på 10% N’Ice Chouffe er en frem ...ragende vinterøl til at holde dig varm med. Dens 10% alkoholprocent og varme smag af sødme og krydderi vil varme dig godt op.
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