Thirsty Cambridge
Kutna Hora Gold Lager 4.9% 500ml
A full-bodied lager with higher but absolutely delicious bitterness. Pleasantly grassy with a superb ... finish on the palate. This beer is a proud flagship brew, to be appreciated by real beer connoisseurs.
Beers of Europe
Kutna Hora Zlata 12 is a Czech Pilsener from Kutna Hora Brewery in Czech Republic. The brewery is lo ...he 15th century. The brewery has a stellar reputation for brewing high-quality, Real Bohemian lagers according to the traditional methods. Kutna Hora Zlata 12, or ‘Gold Lager’ is slig ...
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Dead Time Beers
Kutna Hora Gold 12* : Premium Pilsner
Strong Pilsner Full bodied Pilsner, with a higher bitterness than usual and a grassy Czech hoppiness ... 4.9% ABV50cl BottleVegan
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