Little Creatures Brewing XPA 375ml
Little Creatures Brewing launched in the year 2000 in a huge shed and former crocodile farm on the w scene. Little Creatures Brewing XPA is a 4.9% ABV extra pale ale with hop-driven notes of citrus and seasonal fruit salad balanced beautifully with a subtle malt base and a light touch of to ...
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CLEARANCE VIC CUSTOMERS ONLYBest Before 21/03/2024 Little Creatures love a hoppy beer and for their ...latest creation they are bringing you a hop triple threat using three hop varieties in the kettle and dry hopping with three varieties for an aroma reminiscent of a delicious seasonal fruit salad.
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Red Bottle
Little Creatures XPA Cans 375mL
Little Creatures XPA pours a straw-coloured hue with a delightful haze and bursting with tropical ar ...r stage. Despite its tropical sweetness, the beer finishes slightly dry, leaving you feeling refreshed and eager for another sip. 4.4% ABV 375mL ...
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Little Creatures Brewing XPA 375ml
Little Creatures Brewing launched in the year 2000 in a huge shed and former crocodile farm on the w scene. Little Creatures Brewing XPA is a 4.9% ABV extra pale ale with hop-driven notes of citrus and seasonal fruit salad balanced beautifully with a subtle malt base and a light touch of to ...
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