Lindemans Cassis Blackcurrant Lambic
Get Lindemans lambic beers at wholesale prices, delivered on the same day! At Thirsty, we offer a hu variety of Belgian's best family-owned, abbey and Trappist beers at the lowest prices.
(4x1.74) S$6.95
Great Grog
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM: Easy drinking fruit tart lambic from blackcurrants. A bit of sherbety sweeteness ...which pairs it well with food.
Charlemagne Boissons
C'est une bière à base de jus de cassis pur, d'une couleur rouge tirant sur le violet, avec une mous rosée épaisse. Elle dégage des notes subtile de cassis au nez. Au niveau de la bouche, les saveurs de cassis se mêlent à une légère acidité, avec des notes boisées en fin de bouche.
1,75 €
Cave Direct
Lindemans Casis Lambic, Wild & Sour 12x35.5cl - 3.5%
A sweet, tart Belgian lambic blended with real blackcurrant juice. From one of Belgium's oldest fami brewers, buy Lindemans Cassis wholesale from Cave Direct
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Lindemans Cassis is a lambic made from local barley, unmalted wheat, and wild yeast. After spontaneo fermentation the lambic is aged in oak. Black currants are added creating a secondary fermentation and yielding an ale of exceptional flavor and complexity.
10,77 €
House of Ales
Lindemans add the juice of several varieties of apples to their delicious lambic. The tasting experi ...ence, which is quite exceptional, combines the sweetness of cider with the sourness characteristic of lambic.
The Beer Cellar
Lindemans Cassis is a lambic made from local barley, unmalted wheat, and wild yeast. After spontaneo fermentation the lambic is aged in oak. Black currants are added creating a secondary fermentation and yielding an ale of exceptional flavour. 4% ABV
Es una cerveza afrutada, elaborada de una base lambic, que gracias a sus tonos púrpura y aromas podr ...ía recodar al vino. El aroma a grosella prevalece sobre los demás. Con un sabor muy intenso y brillante, de dulce paladar, con acabado amargo...
2,74 €
Lindemans Cassis Lambiek Fruit 24x25CL ... Login voor de prijs
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Lindemans Cassis. Er det en mousserende vin eller en ...;de ekstraordinære produkter stiller, når de opdager Cassis for første gang. Cassis er en frugtagtig ...
28,00 DKK
Lindemans Cassis 4,0% Vol. 24 x 25 cl EW Flasche Belgien
Beschreibung Fruchtiges Bier auf der Grundlage von Lambic. Erinnert durch seine dunkelviolette Farbe schwarzen Johannisbeeren gewonnen wird. Fruchtig Charakter mit einer komplexen Note. Der anfangs starke und vo ... ...
(24x2.9) CHF69.60
Shop Wine Direct
Lindemans Cassis Lambic (Belgium) 25oz
Description Other Details ... Lindemans Cassis is a lambic made from local barley, unmalted wheat, and wild yeast. After spontaneous fermentation the lambic is aged in oak. Black currants are added creating a secondary ...
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Lindemans Cassis is a classic spontaneously fermented Lambic made with pure blackcurrant juice and a ...juicy sweet beer with a mouthwatering hit of fresh dark fruits as well as a characteristic sweet and sour profile found uniquely in Lambic beers. Best enjoyed when served ice cold! 3.5% ABV | 25 ...
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Lin ...tzure smaak van zwarte bessen doet denken aan wijn. Het bier heeft een fruitig karakter met een vleugje duisternis. De smaak is levendig en intens met een heerlijk zoetzure afdronk. ...
4,07 €
Drankenhandel Leiden /
Bestel Lindemans Cassis online - Eenvoudig bestellen - Snel bezorgd - Leverbaar uit voorraad - Scher prijzen.
2,10 €
Lindemans Cassis 35.5cl Bottle
A sweet, tart Belgian lambic blended with real blackcurrant juice. From one of Belgium's oldest brewers. Product Name Lindemans Cassis Style Lambic, Wild & Sour Brewery Name Lindemans Country Belgium ABV 3.5% Unit Size 35.5cl
Paar Fruitbier met een alcoholpercentage van 3,5%. Als basis een lambiek bier met daaraan toegevoegd ... zwarte bessen. Fris en fruitig bier. Lindemans Cassis is afkomstig van brouwerij Lindemans uit België.
2,40 €
Blackrock Cellar
Lindemans Cassis is an easy drinking and soothing, fruity-tart, lambic fruit beer. Best served in a ...branded straight glass. Good with confit of duck and salads.
5,25 €
INDII Brew Co.
Lindemans Cassis Lambic ABV 3.5% (355ml)
The blackcurrant aromas prevail over all the other scents. It tastes very sweet on the palate with a ... good acidity and a bold taste of blackcurrants, resulting in a dry woody note. Allergens: cereals containing gluten
100 Beers
Съдържание: вода, малц, касис, хмел, захар, натурални аромати, антиоксидант (аскорбинова киселина), ...подсладител (Стевиол гликозид), мая
Shop Wine Direct
Lindemans Cassis Lambic (Belgium) 12oz
Description Other Details ... Lindemans Cassis is a lambic made from local barley, unmalted wheat, and wild yeast. After spontaneous fermentation the lambic is aged in oak. Black currants are added creating a secondary ...
EINWEGFLASCHE Farbe: Rötlich-violett. Geschmack: Johannisbeere, Grapefruit, sauer-fruchtig, sehr n ...atürlich, überaus komplex. Besonderheit: Sirupähnlich, erdig im Abgang, am besten eiskalt.
4,20 €
Bath Road Beers
Description 6.5% ABV 440ml IPA brewed with Lager, Oats, Wheat and Chit malts, Saturated yeast and C ...itra Lupomax, Mosaic BBC, Vista and Vic Secret hops. Vegan friendly.
Independent Spirit of Bath
Lindemans Cassis is a lambic made from local barley, unmalted wheat, and wild yeast. After spontaneo fermentation the lambic is aged in oak. Black currants are added creating a secondary fermentation and yielding an ale of exceptional flavor and complexity. 1 x 250ml 2.5%ABV
Gero Alaus Parduotuvė
Alus Lindemans CASSIS (0,25 l but.)
Alus Lindemans CASSIS – purpurinės spalvos alus su ilgai išliekančia rožine puta, kuriame dominuoja ...juodųjų serbentų aromatai, sausumas, medžio natos.
3,29 €
Bier en Borrels
Merk/huis: Lindemans Soort: Fruitbier, cassis Alcohol: 3,5% Land/Regio: België, Lembeek Inhoud: 25cl ...
2,19 €
Fountainhall Wines
Lindemans Cassis - Blackcurrant Lambic 355ml
The blackcurrant aromas prevail over all the other scents. It tastes very sweet on the palate with a ... good acidity and a bold taste of blackcurrants, resulting in a dry woody note.
Cassis fra Brouwerij Lindemans er af typen Lambic/Frugtøl og er på 3,5% Denne Lindemans er også bas ...mag i øllet. Fantastisk sprudlende og intens. Serveringstemperaturen på denne øl anbefaler vi er mellem to og tre grader celsius. På denne måde kommer de friske smage til deres ret i denne lækre ...
50,00 DKK
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Lindemans Cassis is een frui ...ssen doet denken aan wijn. Het bier heeft een fruitig karakter met een vleugje duisternis. De smaak is levendig en intens met een heerlijk zoetzure afdronk. ...
1,90 €
Impresionante el color morado que saca esté birrón, viene cargadísima de grosellas, tanto que le enmascara un poco la acidez, incluso la burbuja, aún así deja un regusto final seco y un poco agrio. El único pero es que puede resultar un poco medicinal, ideal como aperitivo o postre.