Castle Off Licence - Nutsaboutwine
Kirin Ichiban is brewed from only malt, hops and water. The flavour of beer brewed from 100% malt is ...ort, is crisp yet maintains all the rich flavor of the malt. And this makes Kirin Ichiban the perfect accompaniment to Japanese food, known for its subtle and delicate flavors, or any of the worl ...
2,49 €
'Ichiban' means Number 1! Kirin Ichiban is made with a luxurious single wort (or first press ...  When combined with its new all malt formula, the result is a distinctively smooth, clean, and full-bodied beer"€�yet wi ...
2,65 €
Martins Off Licence
Kirin Ichiban is brewed from the first (and best) pressings of the mash. Exuding soft rice sweetness ... and restrained in hop bitterness, this beer is Japan’s number one beer in every way.ABV5%
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The Crú - The Beer Club
Kirin Ichiban Shibori Pale Lager 330ml Bottle
Ichiban (Ichiban Shibori) (一番搾り) - Kirin Brewery Company Anheuser-Busch began brewing Kirin Lager, ...e Anheuser-Busch has produced foreign brands for sale in the United States. Kirin Ichiban Shibori is the name in the Japanese Market, whilst Kirin Ichiban is the name for export. 100% malt beer ...
Out of Stock
Mitchell & Son
The kirin – the symbol of Kirin Beer – is a potent creature from ancient Chinese mythology, revered ...s why it's called Ichiban - meaning 'first' and 'best' in Japanese. Kirin Lager available in Mitchell & Son. ...
Out of Stock
Cerveza rubia con un centímetro de espuma blanca poco duradera, carbonatación media. Aroma muy ligero a grano y manzana verde, gusto a cereal bastante suave, sin notas de amargor. Una cerveza al estilo pale lager alemán, discreta e inofensiva. Buena para un día caluroso y poco exigente.
La cruzcampo de Japón