Etre Gourmet
"Aenne is our hoppy Saison. Brewed with a good amount of Styrian Golding hops in the coolship. Notes ... of citrus, pine and green tea."
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Die Bierothek
Regionality is the passion of Kemker Kultuur from Alverskirchen near Münster. The brewery not only p ......
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Kemker Aenne Farmhouse Ale ( MHD 15.04.2022 )
Kemker Aenne online kaufen Aenne ist Kemkers Hoppy Saison. Gebraut mir einer ...nem Tee. Bier-Daten Zutaten Wasser , Gerstemalz , Hopfen , Hefe ...
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Craft Beer Dealer
Aenne is our hoppy Saison. Brewed with a good amount of Styrian Golding hops in the coolship. Notes ...of citrus, pine and green tea....
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Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Brauerei Kemker Aenne NEW BATCH 75cl
Descrizione Aenne è una Hoppy Saison realizzata in onore di Nicole, nonna della compagna di Jan Kem ...hezza estrema dovuta alla leggera acidità e alla generosa aggiunta di luppolo Saaz (7.5 gr/lt) in coni che conferisce al prodotto note erbacee, speziate e di tè verde. ...
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Bier Atelier Renes
Aenne is onze hoppig saison. Gebrouwen met een goede hoeveelheid Stiermans golding hop in de koelte. ... Notities van citrus, dennen en groene thee. Bierstijl: Farmhouse Ale/Saison Alcoholpercentage: 6,0% Land: Duitsland/Germany Inhoud: 750ml Allergenen: Gluten Untappd:
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