Craft & Draft
Jester King Brewery Feral Dampf (Batch #2)
A Feral Dampf foi produzida no dia 26 de janeiro de 2016 com água de poço, cevada maltada, aveia e l ...úpulo, e fermentada com microrganismos nativos do ar em redor da nossa cervejaria, bem como a nossa cultura mista de levedura de cerveja e leveduras e bactérias nativas.
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Jester King Feral Dampf Farmouse Dampfbier (Steam Beer) 750ml
5.7% Feral Dampf was brewed with well water, malted barley, oats, and hops, and fermented with nati microorganisms from the air around our brewery, as well as our mixed culture of brewers yeast and native yeast and bacteria. -Jester King
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