Imprint Schmoojee Go Birds (green beer) 0,473L Can
Zöld színű Smoothie- ananász, banán kókusz és kék curacao alkotta Sour Ale. A Pastry Sour kifeje ...thető cukrokkal, például dextrózzal és laktózzal készül (ezeket azért nevezik nem erjeszthetőnek, mert az élesztő nem eszi fel őket, és nem alakítja át alkohollá). Ezeket a söröket rengeteg édes ...
8.700 Ft
Imprint Beer Co - Schmoojee Go Birds
Denna gröna smoothie sour är späckad ananas, banan, kokos och blå curacao.
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Craft Metropolis
Imprint Beer Co. Schmoojee [Go Birds]
THE BREWERY SAYS: This green smoothie sour is full of pineapple, banana, coconut and blue curacao, ...the perfect march-to-the-Super Bowl combination. Go Birds!! 6.5% ABV Container Size: 473ml can Vegan credentials not listed
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Het Biermeisje
Je vindt het lekkerste speciaalbier bij Het Biermeisje. Online en in de winkel. Altijd goed advies v ...oor jouw smaak.
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Craft Beer Dealer
Schmoojee Go Birds Imprint Beer Company
NEW LABEL! This green smoothie sour is full of pineapple, banana, coconut and blue curacao, the perf ...ect march-to-the-Super Bowl combination. Go Birds!!...
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Hops & Hopes
Imprint Beer Co. Schmoojee Go Birds
NIEUW LABEL! Deze groene smoothie sour zit vol ananas, banaan, kokosnoot en blue curacao.
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Brew Export
Imprint Beer Co. Schmoojee [Go Birds] [20L Keg]
Description: This green smoothie sour is full of pineapple, banana, coconut and blue curacao, the pe ...ting: 4.35 Size: 20L Pubkeg Canned On: 07 Sep IMPORTANT NOTES It is recommended that all beers purchased be kept cold upon arrival to your home. This product is expected to deliver in early ...
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