Hop Hooligans
Hop Hooligans Wrestling with Riesling
Why whine, when you can wine? 💪We cooked up quite a wacky number with the awesome Crama Marcea 🍇🍇🍇WR ...Riesling grape must from Crama Marcea for an extra depth of flavour, and we also threw in a bag of German smoked malt for a bit of a fumé touch. 🤌Contrary to the name, the flavours aren’t clashin ...
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Berero Store
Hop Hooligans & Marcea Winery - WRESTLING WITH RIESLING
Hop Hooligans ne bucura cu o noua bere artizanala in colaborare cu Crama Marcea, WRESTLING WITH RIES ...LING cu struguri din Rhine Riesling. O bere juicy si foarte aromata. Hameiuri folosite: YCH 303 Alc. 6% Cantitate 500 ml
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Hop Hooligans Wrestling With Riesling
Sour| 6% | 50cl | Untappd: 3,97 | Roemenië
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Craftbeer Shop
Hop Hooligans Wrestling With Riesling Sour Ale 0,5l
Erlebe mit dem Wrestling With Riesling Sour Ale ein wahres Spektakel für deine Sinne! Hier Hop Hooli ...gans Bier kaufen!
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Hop Hooligans Wrestling with Riesling 0,5L
Experimentál jellegű Sour Ale: pici füstölt maláta, YHC303 Trial komlómix, rajnai rizling must és mo ... íze van. A hagyományos savanyú sörök közé tartoznak a belga lambic, a gueuze, a flamand vörös sörök, valamint a német gose. A savanyú sörök úgy készülnek, hogy vadélesztő törzseket vagy baktériu ...
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Little Beershop
Hop Hooligans - Wrestling with Riesling
Grape ale gebrouwen met Rijn-riesling-druivensap van Marcea Winery en een beetje gerookte mout. Een ...cross over van bier en wijn. Complex en verrassend bier, maa
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Bereta Brewing Co.
Bere - Sour with Rhine Riesling grape juice. https://untappd.com/b/hop-hooligans-wrestling-with-ries ...ling/5632021
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Hop Hooligans Wrestling with Riesling Grape Sour Ale, 6% (500ml)
Grape Sour Ale
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Hop Hooligans & Crama Marcea - Wrestling with Riesling
Hop Hooligans in colaborare cu Marcea Winery a scos Wrestling with Riesling o bere artizan ...ala in stil Sour.Suc de struguri Rhine Riesling.Must de struguri Riesling si stafide de la Crama Marcea pentru un plus de profunzime de aroma si malt afumat german pentru o nota afumata.
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