Beer Merchants
Slightly fuller bodied than some of the other Oktoberfest beers, but still drinks very easily. Alway ...s reminds me of being in the Hofbrau beer tent in Munich in 2016
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Cervezas y Licores Gourmet
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier botella 50cl.
Estilo:Marzen ABV: 6,3% Clásicacerveza conmemorativa del Oktoberfest alemana
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Santuario de la Cerveza
Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier -Festbier
La Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier es una cerveza especial con cuerpo y de baja fermentación que con su exqu ...isito aroma a lúpulo sabe genial acompañada del pollo asado que se sirve en Theresienwiese, lugar de celebración de la Oktoberfest. Estilo Festbier ABV 6.3% ALC. VOL. BOTELLA 500 ML.
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Beer Republic
Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier es una cerveza de Alemania, tipo Märzen-Oktoberfest, con un 6.3% de alcohol ...
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Hofbräu München Oktoberfest 50cl
Cerveza de temporada elaborada exclusivamente para la Oktoberfest de Munich. Hofbräu München Brewery ... es la precursora de esta fiesta popular más famosa del mundo. La carpa de HB tiene fama de su ambiente festivo y alegre. [BOTELLA 50 CL]
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Señor Lúpulo
Descripción Formato: Botella 50cl ABV: 6,3% Procedencia: Alemania
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Die Bierothek
Hofbräu München oktoberfestbier
Das Hofbräu ist eine wahre Institution unter den Münchner Brauereien und eine Anlaufstelle für Bierf ...erfest vertreten, wenn auch erst seit etwas mehr als 70 Jahren. Das mittlerweile weltberühmte Festzelt des Hofbräus kann bei maximaler Auslastung etwa 10.000 Gäste bewirten und ist damit im Wiesn ...
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La Mise en Bière
HofBräu Hofbräu - Oktoberfestbier - 6.3% - 54cl - Bte
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Wee Beer Shop
Description Golden, medium-bodied Oktoberfest lager. Subtle biscuity and apple flavours. 6.3% 500ml ... bottle
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Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier 6.3% vol. 0.5l
Die Bedienung stemmt zehn Maß und hat trotzdem ein Lächeln übrig. Es wird gefeiert, gesunge... ... weiterlesen
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The Belgian Beer Company
Strength: 6.3% ABVSize of Bottle: 50clBeer Description: A rich, full-bodied beer that is bottom-ferm ...ented. It goes very well with a German sausage.
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Martins Off Licence
Hofbrau- Munchen Oktoberfestbier 6.3% ABV 500ml Bottle
A rich, full-bodied beer which goes down ideally with traditional Bavarian cuisine. It is an absolut ...: Offering 6.3% alcohol by volume and a clean, crisp edge, it is a vital part of the Oktoberfest experience. As unique as the Oktoberfest itself! Hofbräu imports the same beer, from the same batc ...
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Estilo: Pilsener. Origen: Alemania. Formato: 50 cl. Alcohol: 6,3% Cervezera: Hofbräuhaus Mün ...chen.
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The Crú - The Beer Club
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier Hofbräu brews a rich, full-bodied beer which goes down ideally with traditi ...onal Bavarian cuisine. With its deliciously bitter taste and alcoholic content of 6.3% volume,
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The Wine Centre
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier 6x50cl Bottles
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier is a full-bodied, bottom-fermented specialty beer. With its fine hoppy aroma ..., it’s perfect alongside a roast meats and hard cheeses. A
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La Naval
Cerveza que se sirvio en el primer Oktoberfest hace mas de 200 años, elaborada con malta y lupulo de ... la mejor calidad, textura limpia y clara. Maridaje: asado de puerco, chamorros carnes frias y quesos, pollo rostizado, salchichas
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Mézesen, kenyeresen malátás, amit a lágerek tipikus ropogóssága követ. Festbier. A Märzen egy ...zágból származik, és hagyományosan tavasszal főzték (a "Marzen" jelentése "március"), majd egész nyáron érlelték, vagy lágerezték. Legyél sörszakértő ingyenes YouTube tanfolyamunkkal! 2 ...
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Top Of The Hops
Oktoberfest Hofbrau COLLECTION ONLY
The Munich Beer Festival, or Oktoberfest, is an event of superlatives – it’s the largest popul the world flock along every year to enjoy its very special atmosphere. For this occasion, Hofbräu brews a rich, full-bodied beer which goes down ideally with traditional Bavarian cuisine. With ...
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All Good Beer
Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier 6.3% 500ml Bottle
The Munich Beer Festival, or Oktoberfest, is an event of superlatives - it’s the largest popular fes ... world flock along every year to enjoy its very special atmosphere. For this occasion, Hofbräu brews a rich, full-bodied beer which goes down ideally with traditional Bavarian cuisine. With its d ...
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ND John Wine Merchants
A classic German Oktoberfest beer. For the festival, Hofbrau brew a special 6.3% beverage that appea ...otes of grass, grain and hay. The texture is full bodied and has a rich, bitter flavour with a hoppy dry finish to it. T ...
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Mitchell & Son
Buy Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier 50cl at Mitchell & Son. We deliver!
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Beers of Europe
Of the big six Munchner breweries, only one can lay claim to royal heritage, much like the festival ...brewery, were founded by Duke Wilhelm V back in 1589. The concept behind the brew was to only brew enough beer for the Royal Court, hence the name. In the early 17th century, to save on the cost ...
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Alc.Vol.: 6.3% Estilo: Oktoberfest Pais: Alemania ... Cerveceria: HB
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Be Hoppy
Brewery: Staatliches Hofbräuhaus München Style:Lager-Oktoberfestbier ABV:6.3% Size:500ml Format: ...Bottle
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Buscador de Cervezas - Brewhouse
Nuestra cerveza Hofbräu Oktoberfest con mucho cuerpo (6,3 % vol.) se presenta majestuosa en una jarr ...frutas exóticas acaricia la nariz. El paladar disfruta de una variedad de aromas de malta, caramelo, frutos secos, higos y miel. La sabrosa cerveza de festival termina con un agradable dulzor res ...
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Staatliches Hofbräuhaus München Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier 50cl
El Festival de la Cerveza de Múnich, o Oktoberfest, es un evento superlativo: es el festival popular ...e todo el mundo acuden cada año para disfrutar de su ambiente tan especial. Para esta ocasión, Hofbräu elabora una cerveza rica y con cuerpo que combina idealmente con la cocina tradicional bávar ...
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Kay Gee’s Off Licence
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier (2023) 50cl Best Before 03.05.2024
Hofbräu Oktoberfest beer is a full-bodied, bottom-fermented specialty beer.
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Craft Beers Delivered
Paying homage to every beer lovers favourite time of the year, Oktoberfest! Hofbrau have created thi ...icious caramel notes. So grab the Lederhosen and your largest beer glass to enjoy a sip of this tast.. ...
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Yards & Crafts
The Munich Beer Festival, or Oktoberfest, is an event of superlatives - it’s the largest popular fes ...tival in the world, staging in the beer metropolis of Munich. Millions of visitors...
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De Biertonne
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier (2021)
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier (2021) van Staatsliches Hofbrauhaus Munchen is een Festbier met een alcoholp ...ercentage van 6,3%.
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Cambridge Wine Merchants
Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier 6.3% 50cl Bottle
Hofbrau brews a rich, full-bodied beer which goes down ideally with traditional Bavarian cuisine. Wi its deliciously bitter taste and alcoholic content of 6.3% volume, Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier is as special as the Beer Festival itself.
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Little Beershop
Hofbrau Hofbrau Oktoberfestbier
Miljoenen mensen komen samen in München om daar het befaamde Oktoberfest te vieren. Dat gaat uiteraa ...rd gepaard met liters en liters bier. Lukt het je niet om a
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Grunting Growler
Brewery: Hofbrau Beer: oktoberfest Style: Oktoberfest Lager ABV: 6.3% abv vol: 440 ml
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Beer Butik
HOFBRAU - Oktoberfestbier 2023 0,5l sklo 6,3% alc.
Složení: voda, ječný slad, chmelové produkty Legislativní označení: Pivo světlé silné. Distrib ...vědčí svojí jemnou, plnou chutí a lehkým chmelovým nádechem. Jde o unikátní sezónní oktoberfest pivo, které se masivně konzumuje na festivalové louce v Mnichově a vy je máte zde poprvé možnost oc ...
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Browar : Hofbräu Styl / Style: Festbier Alkohol / ABV: 6,3% Opakowanie / Size: butelka 0,5l. / bo ...ttle 500 ml
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