The Beer Hive Amager
Hancock Bryggerierne ‘Sports Cola’
Én af Danmarks mest populære sodavand. Brygget for første gang i 1974 og kendetegner sig ved at være ... tappet på originale ølflasker. Skive, Denmark 0% 33cl. Bottle.
15,00 DKK
Hancock Bryggerierne Sport Cola
Sport Cola was first dropped on November 12, 1974. It is fresh and fruity - a real thirst quencher ...ock considered removing it from the market. Fortunately, that did not happen and Sport Cola has now become their best-selling soda. If you have not tasted this cult drink, then you missed a fre ...
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Sport ola was first bottled on 1974 and since has been an iconic refreshment ever since then. Its fr ...esh and fruity and a real thirst quencher.
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Fish & Beer
Bryggeri: Hancock Alkohol : 0 % Variant : Sports Cola Indhold : 330 ml. En ekstremt l ... fra Hancock bryggeriet. Har du ikke smagt denne kult-drik, så er du gået glip af en frisk oplevelse ...
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