Sour IPA. Luminous 03 was fermented with our house yeast strain and strawberries. The malted oats, m ...ilk sugar & vanilla beans make for a truly enlightening e...
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Beschrijving IPA – Sour Luminous is our series of Sour IPA’s and each batch is uniquel ... was fermented with our house yeast strain and strawberries. The malted oats, milk sugar & vanilla beans make for a truly enlightening experience! Alc. 5,5% Inhoud 473 ml ...
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Little Beershop
Luminous is Great Notions serie van Sour IPA's en elke batch is uniek. De dryhop- en fruitvarië ...teiten veranderen, maar het basisbier blijft hetzelfde. Luminous
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Great Notion Brewing Luminous 03
Luminous on Sour Ipojen sarja, jonka jokainen olut on omalla...
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Craft Beer Dealer
Luminous 03 Great Notion Brewing
Luminous is our series of Sour IPA's and each batch is uniquely different. The dry-hop and frui ...t varieties change, but the base beer remains the same. Luminous 03 was fermented with our house yeast strain and strawberries.
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Brother Beer
Great Notion Brewing Luminous 03
Luminous is Great Notion’s serie Sour IPA’s en elke batch is uniek en anders. De dryhop- hun huisgiststam en aardbeien. De gemoute haver, melksuiker en vanillebonen zorgen voor een echt verhelderende ervaring! Vind hier nog meer: ...
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Ang Mo Liang Teh
Luminous is our series of Sour IPAs, and each batch is uniquely different. The dry-hop and fruit var ...rain and strawberries. The malted oats, milk sugar & vanilla beans make for a truly enlightening experience! ...
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Great Notion Brewing Luminous 03 Sour IPA
Luminous is our series of Sour IPA's and each batch is uniquely different. The dry-hop and fruit var ...rain and strawberries. The malted oats, milk sugar & vanilla beans make for a truly enlightening experience! Brewed in Oregon, USA ...
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