Beer Shop HQ
Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake
Country: PL | Style: Sour | Size: 500ml | %ABV: 5.5 From Funky Fluid: Sweet and sour beer inspired b ...y Italian ice cream, imitating a tropical cocktail full of real fruits - pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. We seasoned everything with toasted coconut flakes. 18blg
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Funky Fluid - Gelato: Tropical Shake
Sweet and sour beer inspired by Italian ice cream, imitating a tropical cocktail full of real fruits ... - pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. The brewers s...
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Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake
"Sweet and sour beer inspired by Italian ice cream, imitating a tropical cocktail full of real fruit ...s - pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. We seasoned everything with toasted coconut flakes."
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Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake
Sweet and sour beer inspired by Italian ice cream, imitating a tropical cocktail full of real fruits ... - pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. We seasoned everything with toasted coconut flakes. Size: 500ml ABV: 5.5%
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Ghost Whale
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Tropical Shake - 5.5% (500ml)
"Sweet and sour beer inspired by Italian ice cream, imitating a tropical cocktail full of real ...fruits - pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. We seasoned everything with toasted coconut flakes."
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Dexter & Jones
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Tropical Shake
Craft Beer: Funky Fluid - Gelato: Tropical Shake Fresh Craft Beer from our Bottle Shop and Taproom: ... - pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. We seasoned everything with toasted coconut flakes. 18blg A single version of one of our highest rated Triple Gelato variants. A fruit bomb full of ras ...
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Funky Fluid - Gelato: Tropical Shake
Sour - Smoothie / Pastry | Untappd: n.n.b.
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Sklep Impuls
FUNKY FLUID GELATO Tropocal Shake Ice Cream Sour
Piwo słodko-kwaśne zainspirowane włoskim lodami, naśladujące tropikalny koktajl pełen prawdziwych ow ...oców – ananasa, marakui i różowej guawy. Wszystko doprawiliśmy prażonymi płatkami kokosowymi.
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Little Beershop
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Tropical Shake
Zoetzuur bier geïnspireerd op Italiaans ijs en imiteert een tropische cocktail vol echt fruit: anana ...s, passievrucht en roze guave. Op smaak gebracht met geroos
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Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 18°Gelato: Tropical Shake 0,5l plech 5,5% alc.
Sladkokyselé pivo inspirované italskou zmrzlinou, napodobující tropický koktejl plný skutečného ovoc Sweet and sour beer inspired by Italian ice cream, imitating a tropical cocktail full of real fruits - pineapple, passion fruit and pink ...
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Funky Fluid Gelato Tropical Shake
Browar : Funky Fluid Styl / Style: Pastry Sour Ekstrakt / BLG: 18 Alkohol / ABV: 5,5% Opakowanie / S ...ize: 0,5l puszka
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Het Biermeisje
Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake
Je vindt het lekkerste speciaalbier bij Het Biermeisje. Online en in de winkel. Altijd goed advies v ...oor jouw smaak.
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De Biersalon
Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake
Sweet and sour beer inspired by Italian ice cream, imitating a tropical cocktail full of real fruits ... - pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. We seasoned everything with toasted coconut flakes.
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Rebel Beer Cans
Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake
Gelato: Tropical Shake van Funky Fluid uit Polen is een Ice Cream Pastry Sour van 5,5%. Gelato: Trop ...ical Shake is gebrouwen met passievruchten, guave ananas en kokosnoot vlokken.
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The Independent
Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake
Funky Fluid are a brewery from Warsaw, Poland. Gelato: Tropical Shake by Funky Fluid is an Ice Cream ... Sour with flavours of pineapple, passion fruit and pink guava. Contains Lactose.
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Pivní lednice
Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake 18°5,5% 0,5l
Na eshopu můžete koupit pivo z pivovaru Funky Fluid Gelato: Tropical Shake 18°/5 ...,5% 0,5l a ochutnat i další minipivovary.
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