OKasional Beer
Funky Fluid Gelato: Red Papaya,...
Nuestra serie Gelato está inspirada en los intensos sabores del helado italiano. Esta iteración está ... repleta de papaya roja, calamansi y melocotón.
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Funky Fluid Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach
Sour | 5,5% | 50cl | Untappd: 3,99 | Polen
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Funky Fluid - Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach
Sweet & sour, heavily fruited beer. Our Gelato series is inspired by the intense flavours of Ita ...lian ice cream. This iteration is packed to the brim with red...
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Funky Fluid Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach Icecream Sour 50cl Blik
Imperial Pastry Sour. Zoetzuur, zwaar fruitig bier. Dit Italiaans ijsje zit boordevol papaya, calama ...nsi en perzik
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Martins Off Licence
Funky Fluid- Gelato Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach
An Ice-cream sour beer with an intense flavour of Italian ice cream. Tasting Notes: A sour and swee ...t flavour pack with Red Papaya, Calamansi and Peach.
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Funky Fluid Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach
Sweet & sour, heavily fruited beer. Our Gelato series is inspired by the intense flavours of ... Italian ice cream. This iteration is packed to the brim with red papaya, calamansi & peach. Size: 500ml ABV: 5.5%
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Craft Central
Funky Fluid Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach
Sweet & sour, heavily fruited beer. Our Gelato series is inspired by the intense flavours of ... Italian ice cream. This iteration is full of red papaya, calamansi & peach.
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Funky Fluid Gelato Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach 0,5L
A főzdében ismét nagyon intenzív zamatos gyümölcsöket tettek a "fagyijukba", hiszen a vörös papaya,c ...zándékosan savanyú, savas vagy fanyar íze van. A hagyományos savanyú sörök közé tartoznak a belga lambic, a gueuze, a flamand vörös sörök, valamint a német gose. A savanyú sörök úgy készülnek, ho ...
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Funky Fluid Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach Ice Cream Sour 500ml (5.5%)
The Gelato series is inspired by the intense flavours of Italian ice cream. This iteration is packed ... to the brim with red papaya, calamansi & peach.
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Outro Lado
Funky Fluid Gelato Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach: Sour Ale
Sweet & sour, heavily fruited beer. Our Gelato series is inspired by the intense flavours of ... Italian ice cream. This iteration is packed to the brim with red papaya, calamansi & peach.
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Browar Funky Fluid Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach 50cl
Browar Funky Fluid – Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach 50cl. Cerveza agridulce, muy a ...frutada. Nuestra serie Gelato se inspira en los intensos sabores del helado italiano. Esta versión está repleta de papaya roja, calamansi y melocotón. 5.5% ABV
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El Rincón de Tintín
Sweet & sour, heavily fruited beer. Our Gelato series is inspired by the intense flavours of Ita ...lian ice cream. This iteration is packed to the brim with red papaya, calamansi & peach. 5.5% ABV
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Funky Fluid Funky Fluid - Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach
Sour - Smoothie / Pastry | Untappd: 3.99
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De Biertonne
Gelato Red Papaya Clamansi and Peach
Gelato Red Papaya Clamansi and Peach van Funky Fluid is een Pastry Sour met een alcoholpercentage va ...n 5.5%.
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Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach Funky Fluid
Itališkų ledų Gelato atvaizdas leduose. Šį kartą su papaja, kalamondinais ir persikais.
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Little Beershop
Funky Fluid Funky Fluid: Gelato - Red Papaya, Calamansi, Peach
Volgestouwd met fruit, deze sour voert je naar de tropen. Papaya, perzik en calamansi maken hiervan ...een prachtig gesmolten ijsje met friszure smaak. Ja, het is
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Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 18°Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach 0,5l plech 5,5% alk.
Složení: Voda, ječný a pšeničný slad, ovesné a pšeničné vločky, červená papaya, broskev, calama ...ributor: Ninabar s.r.o. Šimáčkova 3 62800 Brno Sladkokyselé, silně ovocné pivo. Naše řada Gelato je inspirována intenzivní chutí italské zmrzliny. Tato iterace je až po okraj nabitá č ...
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Hop Craft Beers
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach
€4,79 | 500ml | Sour - Smoothie / Pastry | ABV: 5,5 | ☆ 3,98About Gelato: Red Papaya, Calamansi & ...flavours of Italian ice cream. This iteration is packed to the brim with red papaya, calamansi & peach. About Funky FluidFun ...
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Pivní ochutnávka
Funky Fluid Gelato Red Papaya, Calamansi&Peach Sour
Pivovar Funky Fluid Gelato Red Papaya, Calamansi&Peach Sour. Pivní ochutnávka má skladem stovky ...řemeslných piv, doprava po ČR 140,-Kč/20kg (14x lahví).
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Sweeney’s D3
Funky Fluid, ‘Gelato’ Red Papaya, Calamansi & Peach Ice Cream Sour
Sweet & sour, heavily fruited beer. Our Gelato series is inspired by the intense flavours of Ita ...lian ice cream. This iteration is packed to the brim with red papaya, calamansi & peach.
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Project Beers
Funky Fluid Gelato Red Papaya Calamansi Peach
Funky Fluid Gelato Red Papaya Calamansi Peach Deze Gelato van Funky Fluid is vol gepakt met rode pa ... achtige bieren. Vol met verschillende fruitsoorten, lactose en/of chocolade etc. Een steeds populairder wordende bier stijl en heerlijk bij zomers weer.Funky Fluid Funky Fluid is een nieuwe amb ...
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