Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 18°Gelato: Raspberry, Strawberry & Sour Cherry Panna Cotta 500ml can 5,5% alc.
Nová verze naší nejprodávanější série Gelato. Sladkokyselé pivo inspirované italským dezertem pana c ...m/b/funky-fluid-gelato-raspberry-strawberry-and-sour-cherry-pana-cotta/5876086 A new version of our best-selling Gelato series. Sweet and sour beer inspired by the Italian dessert pana cot ...
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Pivní lednice
Funky Fluid Gelato: Raspberry, Strawberry & Sour Cherry Pana Cotta 18°5,5% 0,5l
A sour wheat beer brewed with spruce tips, quince, coriander seeds and pink Himalayan rock salt. Mad ......
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