Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 18°Gelato: Blueberry Shake 0,5l plech 5,5% alc.
Nová verze naší série sladkokyselých piv inspirovaná italskou zmrzlinou. Tentokrát jsme použili obro ...erry-shake/5801799 A new version of our series of sweet and sour beers inspired by Italian ice cream. This time we used huge amounts of blueberries, which we supplemented with vanilla. ...
119,00 Kč
Pivní lednice
Funky Fluid Gelato: Blueberry Shake 18°5,5% 0,5l
A sour wheat beer brewed with spruce tips, quince, coriander seeds and pink Himalayan rock salt. Mad ......
157,00 Kč