Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 18°Gelato: Bianco 2025 500ml can 5,5% alc.
Jediné vydání jedné z nejlépe hodnocených verzí naší sladké a kyselé série. Tento nápoj je nabitý bí ...y-fluid-gelato-bianco/6100340 A single release of one of the top-rated versions of our sweet-and-sour series. This brew is loaded with white guava, bananas, and lychee, all rounded off wit ...
159,00 Kč
Beer Butik
Funky FluidCztery Ściany - 21°Gose Together 500ml can 7,5% alc.
Tady přichází slunce! Imperial Gose uvařený ve spolupráci s pivovarem Cztery Ściany, dokonale trefuj Here comes the sun! An Imperial Gose brewed in collaboration with Cztery Ściany brewery, perfectly hitting the notes with banana, ...
119,00 Kč
Pivní lednice
Funky Fluid Gelato: Bianco 18°5,5% 0,5l
Part of a series of beers brewed for EURO 2024, paying tribute to football legends. Sweet and sour b ......
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