Fruktstereo - The Fruit Pet-nat Formerly Known As Cider
Det här är ytterligare ett projekt med fokus på överskottsfrukt, något som blir allt vanliga. En kom ... smak. Det är mer eller mindre en äpplecider som är smaksatt med överskottsfrukt och bär. Ett naturligt bubbligt pét-nat / cider, tillverkad på 80% äpplen (Kim & Ingrid-Marie), 10% Concorde ...
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Fruktstereo The Fruit Pét-Nat formerly known as cider
Aroma av rød frukt og mandel.
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Fruktstereo The fruit pét-nat formerly known as cider 2020 750mL
TFPFKAC, is our fruit petnat that is predominantly based on macerations with red fruits. This natura ...e been co-fermented with 10% pears (Concorde), 10% rondo grapes, plums, cherries & black berries, for about a month in the same tank. Despite mainly consisting of apples, the goal with this c ...
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Frukt Stereo The Fruit Pét-Nat Formerly Known as Cider 2020 750ml
5.5% TFPFKAC, is our fruit petnat that is predominantly based on macerations with red fruits. This have been co-fermented with 10% pears (Concorde), 10% rondo grapes, plums, cherries & black berries, for about a month in the same tank. Despite mainly consisting of apples, the goal with ...
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