Craft Beer Rockstars
Friends Company Raspberry Cupcake Sour
Stil Smoothie/Pastry Sour Zutaten ... Hopfen k.A. Alkohol 4,7% Vol. ...
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Craft Central
Friends Company Raspberry Cupcake
Pastry sour ale jam-packed with raspberries and a touch of vanilla.
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FRIENDS COMPANY Raspberry Cupcake 0,33l Dose
Blech.Brut is now one of the most sought-after and top rated craft beer breweries in Germany, famous capital of Germany, and was founded in 2018. Our brew master first brewed for various craft beer breweries in Germany, London and Paris before founding his own craft beer project with Blech.Br ...
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Friends Raspberry Cupcake Sour Lattina 33cl
Acquista online Birra Friends Raspberry Cupcake Sour Lattina 33cl al prezzo di euro. <p>Berli ...ner Weisse ispirata al dessert Cupcake con i lamponi, realizzata con lamponi e un pizzico di vaniglia.<br />Acidula e piacevolmente fruttata.</p>
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Drink Online - Drink Shop
Friends Company Raspberry Cupcake 330ml CAN
Sour Ale, alc. 4,7%
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Friends Co. Raspberry Cupcake Sour
Οι Friends Company πειραματίζονται με το μούρο αυτή τη φορά. Μια μπύρα ξινή στη γεύση με νότες βατόμ ...ουρου, βανίλιας και παντεσπάνι.
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