Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid Triple Gelato: Mango Sticky Rice
"Triple version of sweet and sour beer inspired by the famous Thai dessert: mango sticky rice. To ga this effect we used huge ammounts of delicious, sweet mango and toasted coconut flakes."
7,16 €
Etre Gourmet
"PEACH ICE TEA PASTRY SOUR - a beer interpretation of peach ice tea, using a sweet, delicate beer ba ...ty depth and natural sweetness, and the whole is infused with tea leaves to create a distinctive, refreshing aroma. The result is a combination of beer, fruit, and tea-like freshness." ...
4,71 €
Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding
"The new version of our best-selling Gelato series. A bold, sweet and tangy beer with banana, peach, ... calamansi, and vanilla."
6,01 €
Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid Gelato: Mango Cheescake
"A new version of our best-selling series of sweet and sour beers inspired by desserts. In this case ... mango cheesecake. As usual, we used huge amounts of real fruit and seasoned the whole thing with the aroma of New York Cheesecake."
6,01 €
Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid Gelato: Raspberry Strawberry Popsicle
"Beer popsicles! This time in our Gelato, we’re mixing in strawberries and raspberries. Sweet and ta ...ngy, super intense, and packed with fruity flavor!"
6,01 €
Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid / Beer Bastards Gelato XTREME: Blue Velvet
"We’re back with a fresh take on our collab with our friends at the Bulgarian brewery, Beer Bastards ...its - bananas and berries. To top it off, we amped up the rich color with ube yam, the vibrant purple sweet potato." ...
8,63 €