We’ve gone through great lengths to refine the process to yield a Rich and Creamy Flavor and mouth f ...eel to show case the decadent flavors yet leave the harsh taste that dark grains can often leave behind. Incredible mouthfeel yet not cloyingly sweet to aid in its drinkability.
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We’ve gone through great lengths to refine the process to yield a Rich and Creamy Flavor and mouth f ...eel to show case the decadent flavors yet leave the harsh taste that dark grains can often leave behind. Incredible mouthfeel yet not cloyingly sweet to aid in its drinkability.
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Vi har gjort en stor indsats for at forfine processen for at give en rig og cremet smag og mundfølel ...efterlade. Utrolig fornemmelse i munden, men alligevel ikke kløende sød for at hjælpe med at drikke den. ...
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