Bier Circus
Bière de Pâques. Blonde / ambrée puissante. Arôme et goût faisant penser à un sous-bois avec des tou ...ches citronnée, vanillée,… Fin de bouche douce, mielleuse.
3,07 €
Belgian Craft Beers
Als opvolger van de ‘Stille Nacht’ hebben de Dolle Brouwers dit Lentebier gebrouwen. Bos paasperiode. In de smaak, aroma en de afdronk kun je smaken herkennen als zoethout, vanille, bessen en chocolade. ...
3,95 €
Beer Mania
De dolle brouwers10%33clBoskeun is the nickname of Jo, one of the two brothers who preferred to brew ... blond beer at home. It is a special Easter beer, one of the first real Belgian Easter beers. (Slaghmuylder's paasbier being first). It has been brewed with pale malt, Golding hops, cane sugar and ref
3,95 €
Belgian Brewed
Boskeun, made in Esen as a successor to the Silent Night, is a spring beer. It is a strong beer with ... chocolate and so much more in the taste, aftertaste and aroma. TWO YEARS STORAGE The recipe contains pale malt, Poperinge Golding hops in bubbles, organic cane sugar, pure primary water, top ...
3,39 €
Olor malta y alcohol. Sabor maltoso y frutal sobre todo. Un leve dulzor y poco amarga. Alcohol bien camuflado. Estoy disfrutando de ella.