Belgas Online SPONSOR
Oud Beersel Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek 2021 75cl
Descripción Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek 2021 75cl
19,00 €
Dexter & Jones
3 Fonteinen - Schaarbeekse Kriek
Craft Beer: 3 Fonteinen - Schaarbeekse Kriek: Fresh Craft Beer from our Bottle Shop and Taproom: 3 F ...oung traditional lambic for at least one year, in a proportion of one kilo of sour cherries per liter of lambic. The cherry lambic is then blended with young lambic and bottles, after which our f ...
Oud Beersel Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek 75cl
The ‘Kriekenlambiek Oud Beersel’ which serves as a basis for the BZART Kriekenlambiek contains 400 g ...c of Belgian origin. Traditional Kriekenlambiek is a spontaneous fermentation beer: Sour cherries are added to the Lambic beer which is the oldest of the... ...
13,99 €
Oud Beersel Schaarbeekse Kriek 2021 75 cl
Oud Beersel Schaarbeekse Kriek 2021 | 75 cl | ABV: 7.0% De intense aroma’s en complexe smaken van de Kriek. Schaarbeekse krieken zijn een zeer oud ras van krieken (zure kersen) en behoren tot de familie die de voorloper is van alle geteelde krieken variëteiten. Schaarbeekse krieken hebben een ...
20,00 €
Oud Beersel Oude Kriek Schaarbeekse 75cl
Acquista online Birra Oud Beersel Oude Kriek Schaarbeekse 2020 75cl al prezzo di 20,72 € euro. Birra ...ngono assorbite lentamente nel lambic e la birra sviluppa un carattere fruttato e un colore rosso rubino per un carattere unico e inimitabile. Al naso oltre al profumo di ciliegie, emergono anche ...
26,40 €
Beer Republic
Oud Beersel Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek (2021)
The intense aromas and complex flavors of the 'Schaarbeekse Kriek' are associated with the m ...y of cherries (sour cherries) and belong to the family that is the precursor of all cultivated cherries varieties. ...
24,99 €
Oud Beersel
Oud Beersel Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek 2023 75 cl
EDITION 2023 Schaarbeekse Kriek is the most authentic interpretation of the beer-style Oude Kriek. ... Aroma: spicy character with predominant fruitiness Flavour: fine full-bodied fruitiness with refreshing aftertaste Serve at: 8°C – 12°C Shelf life: 20 years with subtle taste evol ...
21,20 €
The Triangle
Oud Beersel - Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek 2020 - 7% ABV - 750ml Bottle
7% ABV 750ml Bottle The intense aromas and the complex flavours of the beer ‘Schaarbeekse Kriek’ ...ries are a very old variety of sour cherries belonging to the family which is the predecessor of all cultivated cherry varieties. Schaarbeek cherries have a deep dark-red colour, a juice with hi ...
The Triangle
Oud Beersel - (750ml) Schaerbeekse Oude Kriek 2015
7% abv 750ml bottle Lambic refermented with Schaerbeekse cherries.
Beer Butik
Oud Beersel - Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek (2021) limited edition 0,75l sklo 7% alk.
Složení: Voda, ječný, pšeničný slad, chmel. Obsahuje lepek. Legislativní označení: Pivo polotmavé s ...ilné. Distributor: Ninabar s.r.o. Šimáčkova 3 62800 Brno
749,00 Kč
Oud Beersel
Oud Beersel Schaarbeekse Oude Kriek 2021 75 cl
Schaarbeekse Kriek is the most authentic interpretation of the beer-style Oude Kriek. Ingredients: ... character with predominant fruitiness Flavour: fine full-bodied fruitiness with refreshing aftertaste Serve at: 8°C – 12°C Shelf life: 20 years with subtle taste evolution Bottle ...
23,60 €