Cantina della Birra
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Dolce ...
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Brouwerij de Molen Brouwerij de Molen collab Brouwerij Rodenbach - Wieken & Krieken
Barleywine | Untappd: n.n.b.
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De Molen Wieken & Krieken collaboration Rodenbach (bbf 9-9-2023)
Beschrijving Red Fruit Barleywine For this collaboration we have brewed a full-bodied classic barl ...elderberry and sour cherries. This has resulted in a beer with a unique taste dimension. At first you taste the full-bodied barley wine with its maltiness and ripe fruits, after which the nicely ...
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Little Beershop
Brouwerij de Molen Wieken & Krieken
Collab met Rodenbach. Bij de Molen werd een klassieke barleywine gebrouwen, die daarna een Rodenbach ...-behandeling kreeg, met toevoegingen van veenbes, vlierbes e
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Purvis Beer
De Molen Wieken & Krieken Red Fruit Barley Wine 330ml
For this collaboration we have brewed a full-bodied classic barley wine to which we added many class resulted in a beer with a unique taste dimension. At first you taste the full-bodied barley wine with its maltiness a ...
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Wine Sellers Direct
De Molen X Rodenbach Wieken & Krieken Red Fruit Barley Wine 330ml Bott
De Molen X Rodenbach Wieken & Krieken Red Fruit Barley Wine 330ml Bottle
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collaboration between brewery rodenbach and brewery de molen: this delicious barley wine and an addi ...tion of cranberry, elderberry and sour cherries results in a beer with a unique taste, wonderfully balanced with a slightly sour touch and an aftertaste of
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