Beer Shop HQ
De Brabandere Brouwerij Petrus Cherry Chocolate Nitro Quad
Country: BE | Style: Belgian Quad | Size: 330ml | %ABV: 8.5 From De Brabandere: Petrus Nitro Cherry ...d delicious cherries. The nitrogen is of great added value to the quad, giving it more body and creaminess and making it ext ...
BeerGB - Beer Ambleside
De Brabandere Petrus Petrus Cherry Chocolate Nitro Quad 8.5%
Petrus Nitro Cherry & Chocolate is a perfect blend of our Quadrupel, using 6 different types ...t more body and creaminess and making it extremely drinkable. Cheers to the only Belgian Quad on nitro! For bottle, follow p ...
Wee Beer Shop
Petrus Cherry Chocolate Nitro Quad — Strong Dark Ale
Description Petrus Nitro Cherry & Chocolate is a perfect blend of their Quadrupel dark ale, cho ...colate, and delicious cherries. The nitrogen is added to the beer at bottling, giving it more body and creaminess and making it extremely drinkable. 8.5% 330ml bottle Contains barley.
Belgian Beer Heaven
Petrus Nitro Quad Chocolate & Cherry 33Cl
Smaak Pet ...aak van Petrus Nitro Quad Chocolate & Cherry is wrijk, donker en complex, met tonen van chocolade, geroosterde mout, donker fruit en een vleugje kersenzoetheid. De "nitro" in de naam wilt zeggen ...
2,76 €
Brouwerij De Brabandere Petrus Cherry Chocolate Nitro Quad
Міцний карамельний ель в монастирському стилі з додаванням вишні та шоколаду. ...
109 грн.