Beer Republic
Unplugged and ready to rock, Acoustic Jams is a NE style DIPA intensely Double Dry Hopped with Citra ...+Mosaic and one of our favorite hops, El Dorado. Tropical notes of stone fruit, unripe papaya, juicy mango slices, and assorted citrus.
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Hop Craft Beers
Brix City Brewing - Acoustic Jams
Prijs: € 9,25Formaat: 473 ml (blik)Stijl: NE DIPAAlcoholpercentage: 8,0 %Untapped: 4,09🌟 Over Acoust ...Dry Hopped met Citra+Mosaic en een van onze favoriete hopsoorten, El Dorado. Tropische tonen van steenfruit, onrijpe pap ...
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Double Dry Hopped New England DIPA 8% 4.1 op Untapp'd
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