Love Wine
BrewDog Wingman Session IPA 4...
BrewDog Wingman Session IPA 4 Pack The eagle has landed. When you’re looking to let the good times r ...uits, piney notes and a sharp citrus aroma. Refreshing, infinitely drinkable and with a steady boozing altitude of 4.3%, you’ll want to keep Wingman by your side all night long. Prepare ground co ...
Dry Drinker
Brewdog Wingman Session - Non Alcoholic IPA
A smooth and easy-drinking non-alcoholic session IPA with citrus and tropical hops.
Love Wine
BrewDog Wingman Session IPA The eagle has landed. When you’re looking to let the good times roll, Wi ...iney notes and a sharp citrus aroma. Refreshing, infinitely drinkable and with a steady boozing altitude of 4.3%, you’ll want to keep Wingman by your side all night long. Prepare ground control. ...