Lúpulo y Amén
Color caoba oscuro, traslúcida, con una espuma cremosa y cuerpo medio. La cerveza más premiada de to ...das las Göller.
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Cantina della Birra
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Amaro ...
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Birre da Manicomio
L’artgianale tedesca Goller Dunkel è una birra scura, dalla gradazione leggera, in perfetto st ...ie al malto scuro Munich. Presenta un ventaglio gustativo molto vario, che passa dai sentori caramellati di tostatura a un finale leggermente amarognolo. SCADENZA 21 MAGGIO ...
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Beer Shop HQ
Country: DE | Style: Lager | Size: 500ml | %ABV: 4.9 From Göller: This dark mahogany lager is made ...is full bodied beer pours with a thick and creamy, off-white head. No Göller beer has won more awards than the Dunkel. T ...
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The Epicurean
Goller, Dunkel, German Lager, 5.2%, 500ml
Shop and buy online our fine selection of craft beers, lagers and ciders from around the world inclu ...ding Britain, America, Belgium, Germany and gluten free.
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Acquista online Birra Göller Dunkel 50cl al prezzo di 3,20 € euro. Dunkel dal colore ramato scuro co ...n riflessi rossi. Avvolgente al naso, con note tostate di malto, caramello e frutta secca. Il sorso è morbido, vellutato, maltato con note di cioccolato fondente. Chiude con un tocco amaro finale.
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Göller Dunkel was first brewed and served in 1978 on the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the ci ...of the century” from Zeil a. Main known. Göller Dunkel received several awards at Meiningers International Craft Beer Aw ...
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Alpha Bottle Shop & Tap
Country: Germany // Style: Dark Lager // Size: 500ml Bottle // ABV: 4.9% From the brewery: ...sary of the city of Zeil. The response was overwhelming and the beer quickly became known nationwide as the "beer of the century" from Zeil a. main known. Göller Dunkel has received several award ...
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Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: GOLLER DUNKEL 500ML Categoría: Producto Descripción: GOLLER DUNKE ...dos y un proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (International Bitterness ...
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