Cu Sounds of Nelson de la Bereta, fiecare inghititura este o aventura. Cu o aroma complexa de hamei ...Nelson, in varietatile QM15, PM22 si LM20, aceasta bere te va cuceri prin notele sale citrice si rasinoase.Un echilibru perfect intre amareala si dulceata, pentru o experienta de baut memorabila.
22,00 LEI
Bereta Brewing Co.
Bere - Heavily Hopped IPA with Nelson QM15, Nelson PM22 & Nelson LM20. ...eta-brewing-co-sounds-of-nelson/6073482
19,00 LEI
Berero Store
Bereta scoate un nou produs in stil IPA heavily hoped cu Nelson QM15, Nelson PM22 & Nelson L ...M20 Alc. 6.3% Cantitate 440 ml
Out of Stock
Bereta Brewing Co.
Bere - Heavily Hopped IPA with Nelson QM15, Nelson PM22 & Nelson LM20. ...brewing-co-sounds-of-nelson/6073482
Out of Stock