Funky-Fluid 18° Gelato Neon Black Pastry Sour
This beer is a dark top-fermented specialty Ice Cream Sour. An ice cream sundae full of blueberries, ... blackberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, vanilla and marshmallow, giving it a creamy, sweet and slightly sour taste. More
6,10 Kč
Funky-Fluid Free Gelato Tropical Punch Pastry Sour
A new non-alcoholic sour from Funky Fluid inspired by Italian ice cream. It offers a unique taste co, passion fruit, pineapple and citrus. Ideal for refreshment with a touch of exoticism and a subtle acidity. More ...
4,70 Kč
Funky-Fluid 30° Xtreme Gelato Yellow Fluff Pastry Sour
Xtreme version of the Gelato series from the Funky Fluid brewery. This is a real beer cocktail, supe ...sion fruit, marshmallow and vanilla, giving it a creamy and sweet texture reminiscent of ice cream. More ...
8,30 Kč
Zichovec 15° Coconut Juicy Lucy NEIPA
The coconut flavored version of Juicy Lucy is a real treat for all Zichovce fans. This gave the popu the bottle is empty. We therefore recommend buying one bottle for the evening per person. Do not share this beer with anyone! More ...
5,20 Kč
Põhjala 30° Cocobänger Imperial Stout
Estonian imperial stout brewed with coconut flakes and Costa Rican coffee. Creamy flavour with a dis ... As the beer warms up, chocolate notes start to emerge with hints of caramelized sugar layered on top of the roasted coffee. More ...
5,90 Kč
Kilkenny is an Irish Cream Ale style Red Ale from the same brewery as Guinness. It comes from the Ir ... sparkling on the palate. It is also accompanied by flavours of caramel and toasted malt. It has a medium to strong body. More ...
2,30 Kč
The popular NEIPA hopped with three types of flakes was created in cooperation with the supplier of ... four types of malts and especially Cryo Hops x Phantasm, the beer has strong fruity flavours most reminiscent of passion fruit, guava and blackcurrant. The flavour profile is fine-tuned with not ...
5,40 Kč
Randy is a beautifully fragrant, citrusy, drinkable top-fermented American Pale Ale. Light yet full- ...bodied pale. Medium bitterness yet with a nice full body. This is a pleasantly bitter, less malty beer with a citrus aroma complemented by hints of tropical fruit and a slightly spicy undertone. More
4,60 Kč
NepoBarn 18° Smoothie Bowl Pastry Sour
This popular Pastry Sour is brewed in collaboration with Polish Nepo Brewing. A sweet and sour beer ... smoothie and as sweet as dessert. Dark pink body with a pinkish head, hints of blackcurrant, blackberry and a touch of cocoa in the aroma and taste. More ...
6,40 Kč
Cannonball je pivo věrné anglické tradici, masivně chmelené, aby přežil dlouhou plavbu po moři. Jeh ...ká sladová s dosti patrnou hořkostí a chmelovými tóny citrusové kůry, trávy, ovoce a borovice. More ...
4,40 Kč
Brewdog's flagship brewery. A punk India Pale Ale that has become synonymous with the rebellion of c ...raft beers. Hopped with new hops to create an explosion of tropical fruit and a total tangle of grapefruit, pineapple and lychee finished with a beautifully bitter finish. An exceptional beer. More
2,90 Kč
An American IPA with a bitter edge that will push your citrus tolerance to the brink. This IPA has a ... base of caramel malt and you'll find waves of pine, orange and grapefruit in the aromatic hop flavours. A beautifully hopped, clean, crisp and eminently drinkable ale. More
3,90 Kč
Verzet 14° Oud Bruin Blueberry
A new variant of the infused Oud Bruin beer from 't Verzet. This beer has been aged for several mont ...eer, which is noticeable from the first sip. As the taste experience progresses, a fruity and slightly sour character develops, which gradually turns into a pleasant aftertaste. More ...
5,90 Kč
ZichovecHidden-Springs 15° West Coast IPA
West Coast IPA created in collaboration with Florida brewery Hidden Springs Ale Works. This top-ferm ...ented IPA has a distinct hop aroma and higher bitterness accompanied by intense notes of citrus and tropical fruit that will transport you to the sun-drenched West Coast. More
5,20 Kč
ZichovecZiemia-Obiecana 15° New England IPA
This New England IPA was created with Polish flying brewery Ziemia Obiecana. With a combination of s ...grape wine and gooseberry. The result is a smooth, balanced NEIPA with an intense tropical fruit profile. More ...
5,20 Kč
ZichovecPõhjala 28° Imperial Baltic Porter
This time, Zichovec has joined forces with Estonian brewery Põhjala, the biggest legend of strong da ...mented with lager yeast, and complemented with traditional Czech plum jam and some smoked malt. The result is a dense, heavy beer with a subtle smoky note, hints of chocolate, dried fruit and plu ...
5,50 Kč
Zichovec 13° Hody Hody Easter lager
We love the Harmonie hops. In the Easter lager Hody Hody Doprovody, the spiciness and pepperiness of other beautifully. A pleasantly bitter, wonderfully drinkable pale bottom-fermented special. More ...
3,50 Kč
American Pale Ale style beer that Zichovec has tuned to bring out the resinous hop notes. For this r ...eason, varieties containing more resin were used and complemented with fruity Citra. You can sit with this beer all evening. More
3,55 Kč
Thrills 11° Hanging Out Session IPA
Tato lehká letní IPA z Thrillsu je sladová, lehce nahořklá, šťavnatá, citrusová, květinová a trochu ...pryskyřičná. More
3,60 Kč