Beershop | Birrapedia
           11° Conqueror Session IPA

Czech Republic Beershop

Reservoir-Dogs 11° Conqueror Session IPA

Conqueror is slightly cloudy, orange Session IPA with a low alcohol content, but an intense fruity a ...roma and taste. A beer you can drink all day. The aroma is citrus hoppy and malty with hints of pine and oranges. The taste is slightly sweet and moderately bitter. More

3,95 Kč

          12° Quaffzilla Session IPA

Czech Republic Beershop

To-Øl 12° Quaffzilla Session IPA

Quaffzilla can be crunched, sipped and drunk. This beast was packed in Denmark with HBC-472, Talusem ... and Simcoe to ensure maximum juiciness. Aroma: evokes pineapple, citrus and herbs. Taste: fruity sweetness with a pith-like bitterness in the aftertaste. Juicy mouthfeel. More

5,50 Kč

           12° CHiCa Session IPA

Czech Republic Beershop

MadCat 12° CHiCa Session IPA

ChiCa is the next addition to the Madcat 2HOPS range. This Session IPA hides long-standing classics ...from American hops, which benefit the beer with its intense pine tone and delicate floral-citrus aroma. More

3,90 Kč

           11° Waves of Pleasure Session IPA

Czech Republic Beershop

Sibeeria 11° Waves of Pleasure Session IPA

The light Session IPA is smooth, slightly sweet and grassy, ​​giving the beer a nicely rounded finis ...h and good drinkability. Thanks to the hops, it has an intense hop aroma and a hint of grapefruit, citrus and soft woody notes. More

4,40 Kč

Jsme hrdí na to, že vám na jednom místě v eshopu můžeme přehledně nabídnout kvalitní pivo ze všech koutů světa. V naší nabídce najdete řemeslná piva z českých minipivovarů i celosvětově proslulý craft beer ze zahraničí.