To-Øl 14° Whirl Domination IPA
Whirl Domination is the first IPA they've brewed at To Øl in their shiny new brewhouse in Svinning, ... much aroma as possible into this fresh beer. Hoppy, fruity aroma with notes of pineapple, grapefruit, passion fruit, herbs and a touch of white pepper. Fruity taste with mango, pine needles and ...
6,70 Kč
Juicy IPA, which was first preceded by several attempts in Brus, which is a taproom right in the bre ...icy combination of three hops. Its aroma is floral, nectarine, fruity and a little caramel. The taste is herbal with mild citrus and slightly oat notes. It is quite sweet with a slight bitterness ...
6,90 Kč
La-Pirata 13° Incursión Nocturna DDH IPA
A cooperative batch of Pirates with the Spanish Pink Boots Society. Jantipa means "blond horse" in G ...iscover aromas of fresh grassy hops, light malt and straw. Stone fruits, apricots and mango stand out in taste. It is accompanied by a rather bitter conclusion. More ...
4,70 Kč
La-Pirata 11° Spring Dew Hazy IPA
Summer is upon us and Pirata brings you this refreshing Hazy IPA full of Mosaic and Talus. A well-ho ...pped special full of citrus and herbal flavors. More
4,70 Kč
Look into the fog and discover the transcendental supremacy of American hops in Hazy IPA. The smooth to the world of Hazy IPA represents the glittering universe of hops. Dry Hop with 4 hops added a noble taste of citrus peel, pineapple, passion fruit and mango along with a velvety soft taste ...
4,80 Kč
Nová New England IPA přeladěná ve Skotsku. Vařena s ovsem a pšenicí a ponechána nefiltrovaná pro mlh ...avý vzhled a super hladké dodání. Suché chmelené pro ovocný vůni s ananasem, mangem a nádechem pikantní limetky. Nízká hořkost, vysoká zákal, těžké chmelení. More
4,40 Kč
Brewdog 12° Hazy Jane New England IPA
Hazy Jane je IPA ve vermontském stylu, resp. u nás spíš známým pod názvem New England. Je to speciál ... a náznaky citronových lísků. Čtyři druhy sladu a pět druhů chmele se podílelo na této zajímavé charakteristice. More ...
3,90 Kč
Brewdog 14° Candy Kittens Raspberry & Guava NEIPA
Spolupráce Brewdogu s výrobcem sladkostí Candy Kittens. Pivo z plechovky teče jasně růžové a ze skle ...t je nízká, s čerstvým chmelem dělá zázraky spolu s nádechem sladkosti pro tento triumf řemeslných cukrovinek. More ...
6,40 Kč
Triple Hazy Jane je plná kouzla jemných zralých ovocných chutí od broskví přes mango až po meruňky. ...lehké pryskyřice a třpytivými náznaky borovice. Síla piva vrcholí na 9,5 % alkoholu. More ...
5,60 Kč
Freshly squeezed juicy Hazy IPA with aromas of citrus, pineapple, mango and apricots. Aromas of citr, pineapple, mango and apricots. The taste is fruity with a long, somewhat bitter and dry aftertaste thanks to the large amount of hops added in the dry-hop. More
6,70 Kč