Barrel & Batch
Tripel Karmeliet 4 Bottle & Glass Gift Pack Barrel & Batch
This unique Tripel Karmeliet Gift Pack is the ultimate for any lover of fine Belgian beer. Included ...attractive tulip goblet glass embossed with the Tripel Karmeliet seal on front and back as well as an elegant band fleur de lys in white. ...
Barrel & Batch
Rochefort Trappistes 6 330ml Barrel & Batch
This beer, the oldest of the three Rochefort Trappist beers, has the reddish colour of autumn leaves ..., a soft body and an earthy, herbal palate (a hint of Darjeeling tea), which develops into a deep fruitiness.
Barrel & Batch
St. Bernardus ABT 12 Quadrupel 330ml Barrel & Batch
St. Bernardus Abt 12 is widely regarded as one of the best beers in the world. It is therefore no su ...archy. It is brewed in the classic quadrupel style and adheres to the original 1946 recipe. Colour: This is a dark beer with a robust head that is ivory in colour. ...
Barrel & Batch
Rochefort Trappistes 10 330ml Barrel & Batch
The heaviest of the Rochefort beers, the 10 is a quadrupel style beer and can be recognized by its b ...ohol esters are enveloped with hints of autumn wood, citrus zest (orange, lemon) and freshly baked biscuits. The initial taste is sweetly sinful. Beer and chocolate trapped into one single glass, ...
Barrel & Batch
Buy Westmalle Dubbel 330ml online Barrel & Batch
A reddish brown trappist ale, malty and fruit, featuring a 3 week secondary fermentation. This ale h a full, pale yellow head. The bouquet is full of esters and fruitiness. Notes of ripe banana predominate. The taste is fruity and slightly bitter, with a long, dry finish.
Barrel & Batch
St. Bernardus Pater 6 330ml Barrel & Batch
St.Bernardus Pater 6 is brewed according to the classic dubbel style with a recipe that dates back t ...s ‘een Paterke'. The beer is a chestnut-brown, dark beer with a creamy head. This Paterke is not just any old brown beer: it unites the deep flavour of specialty malt with the lively fruitiness ...
Barrel & Batch
Buy Orval Trappist Ale 330ml online Barrel & Batch
Orval beer is a trappist ale beer (made by monks in Belgian Abbey) among the only 7 Belgian trappist ...d aroma produced by a unique strain of yeast. The beer is light in color, slightly cloudy, and has a large, foamy head. There is a complex aroma of leather, spice, and many other earthy component ...
Barrel & Batch
Rochefort Trappistes 8 330ml Barrel & Batch
The lower gravity cousin to Rochefort 10. Originally called "Special," Rochefort 8 dates to the mid- ...our is vigorous and complex, with firm body to support the strength. The aroma has elusive notes of fresh fruit, spice, leather, and figs. ...
Barrel & Batch
St. Bernardus Prior 8 330ml Barrel & Batch
St. Bernardus Prior 8 is a traditional abbey beer, brewed in the classic dubbel style. The original ...lour: This delicious beer is chestnut brown, emitting a deep red glow and presenting a lovely rounded head. ...