Independent Spirit of Bath
The best aromatic hops from Tettnang and Hallertau as well as local malt made from summer barley and ... the purest spring water from the Black Forest give Rothaus Pils its uniquely fresh and tangy taste. 1 x 500ml 5.1%ABV
Keg, Cask & Bottle
Prestwich Beer Shop and Tasting Room. Craft beer, world beer, local beer, specialist drinks, Manches ...ter spirits. Bottle Shop and off-licence. Online beer shop with beer delivery.
The most popular Rothaus beer is the Rothaus Pils. With an original gravity of 12.4 °P 32 IBU’s, Ro ...enting yeast that’s been developed in house, before maturing for roughly four weeks. During this period, its robust and elegant flavours and its high Rezenz are cultivated. Rezenz is the term for ...
Cork & Cask
Description Rothaus Pils is fermented from bottom-fermenting yeast that’s been developed in house, ...igh Rezenz are cultivated. Rezenz is the term for the refreshing feeling produced by the carbon dioxide in beer. 5.1% / 500ml ...
Beer Merchants
With the Super Bowl coming up, we all want to celebrate with our favourite beers, don't we? When we' ...d time again. So whether it be a crisp lager, juicy pale ale or a refreshing golden ale, we've put together a selection of Slab's to make sure you always have your favourite for when you need it. ...
(12x3.12) £37.44
The Epicurean
Rothaus, Pilsner, German Lager, 5.1%, 500ml
Shop and buy online our fine selection of craft beers, lagers and ciders from around the world inclu ...ding Britain, America, Belgium, Germany and gluten free.
The Fine Wine Company
Rothaus, Tannenzapfle Pils, 500ml Bottle
Rothaus Pils is fermented from bottom-fermenting yeast that.s been developed in house, before maturi for roughly four weeks. During this period, its robust and elegant flavors and its high Rezenz are cultivated. Rezenz is the term for the refreshing feeling produced by the carbon dioxide in beer.
Alpha Bottle Shop & Tap
Rothaus. Tannenzäpfle Pils [Lager]
Country: Germany // Style: Lager // Size: 330ml Bottle // ABV: 5.1% From the brewery: "The ... it is also the namesake and figurehead of the Gäpfle family. The best aromatic hops from Tettnang and the Hallertau as well as local malt made from summer barley and the purest spring water from ...
Micro Beers
An outstanding German pilsner from Rothaus, one of the most respected and admired German beer brands ...ack Forest mountain region of South West Germany, Rothaus Pils is a uniquely pure and flavoursome German pilsner beer. T ...
Beer No Evil
An excellent pilsner from the Black Forest. 5.1% | 500ml | £3.95
House of Ales
Often touted as the world’s best pilsner, Rothaus Tannenzapfle is indeed a stunning example of ...erman Black Forest. It is an elegant, strong, clean and tangy beer with a finely balanced distinctive hop aroma. ...