The Beer Cellar
Adnams Kobold English Lager 500ml
Adnams Kobold English Lager is a crisp 4.7% lager created with all English ingredients including Eas ...ale yeast to add depth to lager's crisp flavours and ensuring Kobold has the true taste of an Adnams brew. Expect a golden l ...
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The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Adnams Kobold English Lager 500mL
Adnams Kobold English Lager is a crisp 4.7% lager created with all English ingredients including Eas ...yeast to add depth to lager's crisp flavours and ensuring Kobold has the true taste of an Adnams brew. Expect a golden lager with subtle grassy, lemon and honey notes. Pair with light tasting foo ...
Out of Stock