addicted2craftbeer | Birrapedia
District 96 - Political Flow

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

District 96 - Political Flow


10,99 €

Electric - Cognitive Dissonance

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Electric - Cognitive Dissonance

8,5% DIPA

12,49 €

Electric - Disordered Fasiloquence

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Electric - Disordered Fasiloquence

8,1% DIPA

12,49 €

Tree House - Juice Project - Citra + Idaho 7

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Tree House - Juice Project - Citra + Idaho 7

8% NZ DIPA with Nelson Sauvin and Rakau

18,95 €

Monkish - Serous

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Monkish - Serous

8.2% DIPA with Galaxy and Nectaron

19,99 €

Slice - Etch A Sketchy

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Slice - Etch A Sketchy


16,99 €

Green Cheek - Starry Configurations

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Green Cheek - Starry Configurations

9.1% DIPA with Citra and Nelson

19,99 €

Tree House - JJJolly Juice

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Tree House - JJJolly Juice

Treehouse is continu bezig om hun inmiddels legendarische recept van (King) Julius te overtreffen of ... perfectioneren. Evil Julius is de zwaarste van het stel.

19,95 €

Icarus - Drinking Crayons

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Icarus - Drinking Crayons

7.9% DIPA with Azacca, Amarillo, Columbus, and Mosaic

9,29 €

Icarus - Queen of the Yachts

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Icarus - Queen of the Yachts

12% Quadruple IPA

10,69 €

Long Live - The All Seeing Eye Extra

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Long Live - The All Seeing Eye Extra

8.4% DIPA with Citra, Kohatu and Simcoe

9,69 €

The Veil - WeDedMon

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

The Veil - WeDedMon

11% Triple PIA with Citra

10,99 €

Uncommon Path - Down the Rabbit Hole

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Uncommon Path - Down the Rabbit Hole

8.8% DIPA with Nectaron

9,29 €

WeldWerks - Motueka Extra Extra Juicy Bits

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

WeldWerks - Motueka Extra Extra Juicy Bits

8.6% DIPA with Citra, Mosaic, El Dorado + Motueka

9,29 €

Tree House - Doppelgänger

Netherlands addicted2craftbeer

Tree House - Doppelgänger

Double New England IPA van 8,2% 4.47 op Untapp'd

18,95 €

addicted2craftbeer verkoopt mooie bieren, met goed advies, voor een eerlijke prijs. Kies zelf je bieren of laat mij je adviseren! Ontvang een persoonlijk samengesteld pakket, ook als abonnement. Zo ontvang je iedere maand de mooiste bieren gratis thuis!
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