Craft Central
Abomination Wandering Into The Fog
Brewed with a heavy wheat and oat malt bill hopped and double dry hopped aggressively with 7+lbs per ... bbl of Mosaic, Pacific Jade, Citra, Summit and Enigma. Mosaic, Pacific Jade, Citra, Summit & Enigma
8,60 €
Craft Central
Abomination Anchovy (Wandering Into The Fog)
Double india pale ale, double dry hopped with anchovy hops.
8,60 €
Craft Central
Abomination Wandering Into The Fog
Brewed with a heavy wheat and oat malt bill, hopped and double dry hopped aggressively with 7+lbs pe ...r bbl of Mosaic, Pacific Jade, Citra, Summit and a ton of Galaxy! Fluffy, pillowy, juicy, dank, DDH goodness. Mosaic, Pacific Jade, Citra, Summit & a ton of Galaxy
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