Mister Hop
Dutch Bargain Black Tropical Beach
De exotische smaken van kokos en tropisch fruit, maar dan in een heerlijk dikke stout. Verwacht een ...Black NEDIPA met kokos. Fris, zoet, hoppig en chocolade.
4,60 €
De Biersalon
Dutch Bargain Black Tropical Beach
Signature 08.24. All around the world you can fine charcoal beaches. They are as tropical as white s ...e, roasted notes, but a juicy mouthfeel. Tropicalised with a big bunch of coconuts. Fold out the beach chair and enjoy the (black) tropics! Artwork by Katinka Kuipers ...
4,89 €
Dutch Bargain
Dutch Bargain Black Tropical Beach
Black Tropical Beach, all around the world you can find charcoal beaches. As tropical as a white san ...asted notes but juicy mouthfeel tropicalised with a big bunch of coconut! So fold out the beach chair and enjoy the black tropical baeches! ...
5,00 €