Dry & Bitter Brewing Company
We have entwined together a variety of dark and delicious flavours into one delectable, festive loop .... Wreath's mass of heavy, black malts lend notes of rich dark chocolate, while the infusion of coconut, cacao nibs and coffee beans gives you some sweetness, depth and complexity.440ml - 10%
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Dry & Bitter Wreath Imperial Stout
This Christmas we have entwined together a variety of dark and delicious flavours into one delectabl ...e, festive loop. Wreath's mass of heavy, black malts lend notes of rich dark chocolate, while the infusion of coconut, cacao nibs and coffee beans gives you some sweetness, depth and complexity.
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Rebel Beer Cans
Wreath van Dry & Bitter Brewing Company uit Denemarken is een Imperial Stout van 10% en is gebro ...uwen met chocolade, kokosnoot, cacao nibs en koffie bonen.
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