The Hoptimist
Description IPA – Imperial / Double New England / Hazy – Can 440ml – 7.8% DIPA w ...ith Moutere, Citra, Nelson and Mosaic. British heritage malts with oats and wheat
Découvrez la Vacances de Doskiwis, une Double IPA Hazy en canette de 44cL à 7,8% vol., aux arômes de ... Melon, Fruits Tropicaux et Résine, avec une amertume herbacée persistante.
7,34 €
Beer Shop HQ
Country: ES | Style: Double India Pale Ale | Size: 440ml | %ABV: 7.8 From DOSKIWIS: DIPA with Mouter ...e, Citra, Nelson and Mosaic. British heritage malts with oats and wheat.
Dexter & Jones
Craft Beer: DosKiwis - Vacances Fresh Craft Beer from our Bottle Shop and Taproom: New England IPA. ...Mosaic and Citra hops.