Great Grog
8.5% abv MELLE, BELGIUM. One of the iconic Belgian beers, this strong (8.5%) blonde is boozy, warmi, but nicely rounded with sweeter malty notes and a refreshingly dry finish. It’s taken all of our willpower to not describe this as “tremens-dous!” BOTTLE
House of Ales
Delirium Tremens (30L A-Type Keg)
A delicious, spicy and warming Belgian strong ale, Delirium is famous the world over not just for it ...s bizarre kitsch branding but for the fact that it regularly wins best blonde ale at awards. A deceptively drinkable beer, it’s no wonder it does.
Great Grog
8.5% abv MELLE, BELGIUM. One of the iconic Belgian beers, this strong (8.5%) blonde is boozy, warmi, but nicely rounded with sweeter malty notes and a refreshingly dry finish. It’s taken all of our willpower to not describe this as “tremens-dous!” BOTTLE