Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Delirium Nocturnum Bottle 330ml 4pk
Pours dark brown-red. A compact white-yellow, stable and lacing head. Touches of caramel, mocha and ...uthfeel of alcohol and softness. This is followed by an increasing bitterness, partially from the hop, but also from the roasted malt and chocolate malt. Towards the end a nice balance between bi ...
Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Delirium Nocturnum Bottle 750ml
Pours dark brown-red. A compact white-yellow, stable and lacing head. Touches of caramel, mocha and ...uthfeel of alcohol and softness. This is followed by an increasing bitterness, partially from the hop, but also from the roasted malt and chocolate malt. Towards the end a nice balance between bi ...
Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Delirium Nocturnum Bottle 330ml
Pours dark brown-red. A compact white-yellow, stable and lacing head. Touches of caramel, mocha and ...uthfeel of alcohol and softness. This is followed by an increasing bitterness, partially from the hop, but also from the roasted malt and chocolate malt. Towards the end a nice balance between bi ...
Otter’s Promise
Huyghe Delirium Nocturium Strong Dark Beer
Colour and sight EBC: 80Dark brown-red. A compact white-yellow, stable and lacing head. Scent Touche ...IBU: 24Initially, a very good mouthfeel of alcohol and softness. This is followed by an increasing bitterness, partially ...