Alternative Beer
Cerveza oscura y de alta fermentación, aspecto tostado oscuro, color cobrizo, espuma alta y densa, l ...eve sabor fuerte, duradero, seco, agridulce y marcado a frutas; recuerda al brandy. Sumamente bien balanceada.
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La Mundial
Belgian Strong Ale, de abundante espuma, blanca y cremosa. Aromas complejos a malta, caramelo, fruta ..., especias y alcohol. Al gusto se aprecia el alcohol, y puede resultar algo picante y amarga. ABV 10%
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Beer Shelf
Ficha técnica Color Tostada Tamaño ... 10.0% IBU 20 Estilo BS Belgian Strong Ale Estilo Winter Warmer ...
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Color marró opaco con una cabeza de espuma cremosa y densa de tamaño grande y color beige con retenc ...bor dulce, fruta negra, cerezas, ciruelas, toffee, levadura, pasas, nota picante leve. Cuerpo medio a pleno. Carbonatación suave. Final seco y ligeramente amargo. Textura en boca suave y agradabl ...
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Bacchus Beer Shop
Delirium Natal aparece atraentes aromas avinados com um ponto e escabeche de óxido como a garrafa é ... coroa. Seu sabor é fruto atrasadas (figos, Granada), com um toque metálico, um pouco de memória agridoce de conhaque e terminando no final longo amargo,. graus Dez deve beber com cuidado. ...
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Beer Hawk
<p>Delightfully seasonal brew from Brasserie Huyghe that starts off with some Belgian candied ...sweetness and spicy dark fruit as it warms along with the addition of malty breads. </p>
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33cl | Alc. 10.0% vol. | Strong Dark Ale | Nata nel 2000, viene prodotta solo per Natale e Ca caldo e decisamente "natalizio" (frutta candita). In bocca è vellutata, e conferma i toni caldi e dolciastri, con retrogusto lievemente amarognolo che la rende equilibrata. Data l'elevata grad ...
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Belgium In A Box
Delirium Christmas (Delirium Noël) 75 cl
Delirium's Christmas beer, also known as Delirium Noël. Triple fermentation Belgian dark, seasonal a ...le.
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Beer Shop HQ
Country: BE | Style: Strong Dark Ale | Size: 330ml | %ABV: 10 Brewed only for the Christmas and New ... Year, Noël completes the "Delirium" trilogy. Its appearance
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Craftbeer Shop
Huyghe Delirium Christmas 0,33l
Das Delirium Christmas versüßt dir mit seinen Aromen von weihnachtlichen Gewürzen, Karamellmalz und ...Rosinen die Vorweihnachtszeit.
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Belgian Strong Dark Ale Nota de la cervecera: Color y aspecto: ámbar castaño. Una excelente espuma, ... alcohol. Sabor: Fuerte presencia de alcohol, muy picante, ligeramente amargo. El regusto es dulce, picante y ligeramente amargo. Más sobre la cervecera: Filosofía: Asumim ...
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Huyghe Delirium Noel Christmas
Brouwerij Huyghe’s superklassiska serie Delirium innehåller såklart även en jul ale – en ...ukt, kryddor och söt alkohol med en rejält kryddig smak och lätt bitter touch. Ytterligare en riktig julklassiker! ...
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Die Bierothek
Die belgische Brauerei Huyghe kennen viele unter dem Namen Delirium. Delirium Tremens ist das wohl b ......
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Craft Beer Rockstars
Huyghe Delirium Christmas Winter Belgian Strong Ale
Bier-Details Stil Winter Warmer, Belgisch Tripel, Strong Ale Zutaten Was ... Deine Vorteile bei Craft Beer Rockstars Lagerung Das Wichtigste für ein gutes Bier sind optimale Lagerbedingungen. Bei uns kommen die Biere direkt in ein lichtgeschütz ...
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C’est une bière, de couleur chataîgne-ambrée. Au nez, des odeurs de fruits, de malt caramel, d’épice ...e-goût est sucré, épicé, légèrement amer. La Délirium Christmas est brassée par la brasserie Huyghe. ...
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Wee Beer Shop
Delirium Noel QuadrupelBelgian Dark Ale
Description Delerium Noel is a full bodied and warming, fruity and hoppy, dark Christmas beer. The ...Christmassy aromas of candied orange, caramel malt, fruit, spices and the slightly sweet alcohol all carry through into the taste of this world-famous festive beer. 10% 330ml bottle
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Passione Birra
Brouwerij Huyghe Delirium Christmas 75 cl.-Birra di Natale
Birra bruna con schiuma bianca e cremosa, dall’aroma complesso di malto caramellato, note di f ...rutta e spezie.
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The Belgian Beer Company
Strength: 10% ABVSize of Bottle: 33clBeer Description: Brewed by Brasserie Huyghe, Delirium Christma ...colour. Delirium Christmas smells of yeast, caramel, malt and wood. It has won various beer awards, including a silver award at the Australian International Beer Awards in 2016 and an award at th ...
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Martins Off Licence
Delirium Christmas Beer Gift Pack
Delirium Christmas Gift Pack includes 4 x 330ml 10% ABV Delirium seasonal Christmas brews plus 1 Del ...irium Tremens branded Glass. Delirium Christmas is chestnut amber in colour with complex caramel malt, fruit and spice. The finish is sweet and spicy with a slight bitterness.
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Huyghe Delirium Christmas (750ml)
Brewed only for the Christmas and New Year, Noël completes the “Delirium” trilogy. Its appearance is ...y by multiple levels of flavour and should be approached with confidence, with a tinge typical Christmas, sauced with a ...
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Club Catadores
Cerveza: Delirium Christmas Botella: 330 ml Unidades: 12 Color: Á mbar Castaño ... Grados de alcohol: 10 .0 % Por esta compra acumulas: 3.960 ml
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Ghost Whale
Huyghe - Delirium Noel Gift Box - 10% (4x330ml)
Special gift pack of 4 classic Delirium Noel bottles with a Delirium glass. Perfect Christmas gift.
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The Epicurean
Delirium, Christmas Spiced Fruity Winter Ale, 10%, 330ml
Shop and buy online our fine selection of craft beers, lagers and ciders from around the world inclu ...ding Britain, America, Belgium, Germany and gluten free.
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ND John Wine Merchants
Chestnut amber. A fine, white, creamy and lacing foam. A complex entity of caramel malt, fruit, spic and the sweetness of the alcohol. A strong presence of alcohol, very spicy, slightly bitter. The aftertaste is sweet, spicy and slightly bitter. The perfect Christmas drink.
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Left Field Beer
Brouwerij Huyghe - Delirium Christmas
Country Belgium Brewery Brouwerij Huyghe Style Winter Ale ABV 10% Vessel Bottle Volume 330 Untappd Rating 3.97 Dietary Information N/A
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Beers of Europe
Delirium Christmas is a chestnut amber coloured beer with a fine, white, creamy and lacing foam head ...he palate is a strong presence of alcohol, very spicy, slightly bitter and a lingering sweet and spicy and slightly bitter finish. One of our great range of Christmas beers. ...
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Dexter & Jones
Fresh Craft Beer from our Bottle Shop and Taproom: The Christmassy aromas of candied orange, caramel ...amous festive beer. PRODUCT DETAILS STYLE: Dark / Quadruple Beer ORIGIN: Belgium SIZE: 330ml Bottle ABV: 10.0% HOPS: TBC ...
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Fish & Beer
Delirium Noël Christmas Winter Ale
Bryggeri : Huyghe Brewery Alkohol : 10% Variant : Winter Ale Indhold : 330 ml. Brewed only ... for the Christmas and New Year, Noël complete the "Delirium" trilogy. Its appearance is a superb warm copper to red color, recalling "Nocturnum" except in its taste. It hides its
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Buscador de Cervezas - Brewhouse
DELIRIUM - NOËL (CHRISTMAS) - Belgian Strong Dark Ale 33cl
Feliz navidad con Delirium Noël es una entidad compleja de malta caramelo, fruta, especias y la dulz ...ura del alcohol. Una fuerte presencia de alcohol, muy picante, ligeramente amarga. El regusto es dulce, picante y ligeramente amargo. Ámbar castaño. Una espuma fina, blanca, cremosa y envolvente.
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Baggio - Vino e Birra
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La Abadía Alcorcón - La Despensa Del Abad
Delirium Christmas Brouwerij Huyghe
Como viene siendo habitual desde al año 2000, la belga Brouwerij Huyghe elabora al principio de cada ...más suave que sus hermanas Tremens o Nocturnum. De color ámbar rojizo y con una corona de espuma blanca que no dura mucho en la copa. En nariz ofrece fuertes aromas a levadura, malta, caramelo y ...
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Beer Manía
Cerveza Ambar Strong Ale con triple fermentación, las 2 primeras se producen en la cervecer&i .... Levemente agridulce, puede recordar el sabor de un brandy. El alcohol no se percibe ya que es una cerveza muy bien balanceada. El sabor es fuerte, duradero y de seco amargor. ...
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El Rincón de Tintín
Se trata de una espumosa mucho más suave que la Delirium Tremens o incluso que la Delirium Nocturnum ...opa Delirium, la espuma de esta cerveza belga es de color blanco roto. Abundante y cremosa de primeras, desaparece muy pronto. El color es ambarino tirando a rojo como la Delirium Red, si bien es ...
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Cerveza compleja pero interesante