Brew Haus Malta
Rasputin is an Imperial Stout brewed by De Molen in the Netherlands, and probably the brewery’ ... the most famous character of the Russian Romanov court, Rasputin and is only brewed once a year. With a thick, dense body, one can age this stout for up to 25 years in a cellar. Rasputin could q ...
4,00 €
Beer Head
De Molen Rasputin Imperial Stout 330ml Bottle
What can you say about De Molen? A brewery with a huge international reputation that far outstrips i ...ifies everything craft beer should be, starting off as a homebrewer with genuine skill and enthusiasm and developing his art in perfectly conceived brews, the sheer range and quality of the beer ...
4,00 €
Petroleo puro! Realmente un cervezón. La botella indica que se puede consumir en los próximos 25 años pero evidentemente no podía esperar más.