Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
Brasserie de la Senne De La Senne Stouterik
Land: Belgisch bier Type: Stout / Porter Alcohol: 5,0% Inhoud: 33cl
Sin Stock
La bière belge Stouterik de la brasserie de la Senne est une stout à 5%. Basée à Bruxelles, la brass ..., on trouve la Taras Boulba et la Jambe-de-Bois.Stout aux arômes grillés avec une amertume très équilibrée. ...
Sin Stock
Beer Head
Description Made with spicy British hops and lots of roasted malt, this dry stout is a unique Belgi ...an craft beer. ABV 4.5%
Sin Stock
Stouterik is een klassieke “Dry Stout” volgens de Ierse traditie, gemakkelijk om te drinken, maar me ... bepalen haar persoonlijkheid, gebalanceerd in de mond door een zacht romig karakter. Haar structuur wordt vervolledigd ...
Sin Stock
Dry Stout brewed with spicy British hops and lots of roasted malt. 330ml bottle, 4.5% ABV
Sin Stock
De La Senne Stouterik 4.5°- 13L
Pours very dark brown with light tan head. The head stays. Slight roastiness in the aroma. Taste: sw ...rtaste), coffee, winter spices, touch liquorish, slight hint of bitterness buried in the finish, plenty of sweet cold coffee . ...
Sin Stock
The Triangle
Brasserie De La Senne - Stouterik - 5% Belgian Stout - 330ml Bottle
Belgian Stout in the Irish style with 5% alc.: light, dry, and freshly bitter with complex roasted n ...otes. The scent is pleasantly fragranced by the presence of an English aromatic hop particularly appreciated by connoisseurs.
Sin Stock
Caps and Taps
De La Senne Stouterik 5% (330ml)
The latest beers to enter our fridges and shelves here at Caps and Taps, Tufnell Park.
Sin Stock
Achat Bières
La Bière Stouterik 33 cl est une bière brassée par la Brasserie de la Senne en Belgique. C'est une b ...ière brune, au goût torréfié, houblonné et amer. Cette bière titre à 4,5° . Vous n'êtes pas Pro ?
Sin Stock
Fuggles Bottle Shop
Stouterik is a classic ‘Dry Stout’ according to the Irish tradition, easy to drink, but with a well- ...ty, balanced in the mouth by a touch of coffee and a velvety tone. A discreet, refined bitterness completes its structur ...
Sin Stock
Belgian Beer Heaven
La Senne Stouterik 33Cl - Koop dit bier online in onze shop. Meer dan 1500 Belgische bieren en toebe ...horen thuisgeleverd.
Sin Stock
De La Senne Stouterik is een donkere en rijke stout met mooie geroosterde smaken van o.a koffie.
Sin Stock
The Drop Brighton
De La Senne - Stouterik, Dry Irish Stout 5%
Stouterik is a classic Irish Dry Stout, easy to drink, but with a strong character. Its color is dee ...y a touch of mocha and a velvety character. A discreet hopping and its fine bitterness complete its structure, with a dr ...
Sin Stock
Craftbeers - De Caigny
Belgian Stout in the Irish style with 4.5% alc.: light, dry, and freshly bitter with complex roasted ... notes. The scent is pleasantly fragranced by the presence of an English aromatic hop particularly appreciated by connoisseurs.
Sin Stock